I might leave... forever

Try this one out, it’s a simple beginner level art.


I actually just gasped in the middle of the quiet ISS room at how beautiful that is.Go on YouTube and look up TheLexyKitty. NOW.


Oh hey! I heard of Lexy Kitty! Only through a mention I never was able to find their channel and I sorta forgot about it! Thank you for reminding me haha


Omg I’m watching the guide to coming out and aaa I like it already! The shirt the wall decor the colors too!


Ikr it’s so amazing and beautiful and I love it


Me in the background putting on leggings and thigh-high socks I love the decor here!


Haha! I want thigh high socks actually, I should order some from Amazon


I don’t have any thigh-highs either but I really want some. Idk how I’m gonna get some though, my mom doesn’t even know I’m gay. Even if she did she probably wouldn’t let me get any. Though I do have ten dollars and I’ve been thinking about coming out…:eyes:


Coming out is very liberating, I would definitely recommend doing that if you believe your environment is safe enough for you to do that. You might also be surprised that your parents may already be aware and just haven’t said anything. I know a lot of situations where a friend came out and their parent was like, I know. Lol. But yea, I came out as bisexual when I was 15 and I instantly felt lighter.


Thank You for the advice, friend. And let the power of PM Seymour and P O N K!!! be with you.


Getting ready to go home and put on leggings Well what am I gonna do once I put them on? /My brain/ “Idk dance or something.” /Me/ Idk how to dance though. /My brain/ “WELL YOU BET YOUR ASS YOU’RE GONNA LEARN!!!” /Me/ Okay, geez. O//w//O


Haha, dancing is good! Helps the blood flow going and helps the brain


I have just found out that I have Psychosis. Also I slept with leggings on and now my legs are itchy af and idk what to do. I have found out that I have several mental illnesses. Reality slips further from me each day. I’m not sure if I can take much more. I think that I’ve finally lost it. The voices get louder and louder each second. I can feel my brain losing its grip on reality. I can feel the voices clawing at my sanity, but alas, there’s not much left. I have lost hope in myself. I feel an overwhelming sense of sadness and anger. I have psychosis, Clinical Insanity, PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety.

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Fuck. This reminds me of a webtoon I’ve been reading latley. It brings the message of the most important lesson people need to learn in life. We are all judging someone before we even try to understand them. And even if someone tries to open up, they just see them as stupid. It pisses me off, bc the main character in the story suffered so much pain as a child, was always being manipulated and abused by someone, that she grew up to fall in love with the only other person who understood her. A serial killer that wanted to kill her. And even then, she still wanted to be with that person. And in the comments, everyone would say how stupid and naive she is for “letting these people hurt her” when she LITERALLY never did anything wrong. They had no way of backing up their arguments, they were just a bunch of idiots treating the main character as if she was stupid for being a victim. It pissed me tf off, and in the end of the story, she killed herself. Why? Bc of shithead like them. I’m so tired of people judging others before getting to know them, it pisses me off so much. People who think like that are shallower than shallow, they’re fucking grains of sand that cant even mold themselves into something unless someone gives them water. And even then, the water dries and they become nothing but dry and wasted. Each grain of them piling on top of eachother for pointless gain and constant fighting, to get to the top, when the top is nothing but the sun burning them out of existence. I hate these types of people so much. If someone is giving you a problem, fuck them. I know it’s hard to not listen to them, but in the end they are worth less than you, just like how a narcassist is too cowardice to face themselves, so they control others because of their insecurities. In the end they are all worthless, and one day, they will get their karma terribly.


I’m wearing leggings under my jeans in school rn

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Ive never cut on my leg, except for once, I kind of regret that, because no I have huge scars along my arm that ppl see if I don’t have sleeves on or just randomly get too close and they see. I was thinking if relapsing today, but I know that’s a stupid decision. It’s only one that will make me fall back into the hole I just crawled out of. I’m just, I wish it was easier to be happy then to feel shitty. I’ve been trying so much for the past 2 hours to stop thinking, lol, I can’t. My boss even told me I need to pay attention more. But how? How can I pay attention when my brain is so slow and I’m constantly worrying about something uk? Lol we all need to see a therapist. If only I could get.myself to see them.


Yes, ignorant, shallow, self-absorbed people and those who are emotionally abusive, can do great harm to a person’s peace of mind. If your mind lingers on such issues, the result is debilitating depression, rage, hate, bitterness, and in many cases self esteem decreases as a person considers they must’ve done something wrong to deserve such treatment.

It sounds as though you are becoming very good at avoiding toxic people. It also appears that you are learning not to take their thoughtless comments personally.

In order to survive, and not do damage to yourself, I recommend that you cultivate skill in re-directing your thoughts away from these anger inducing issues. Dwelling on them is bad for you physically and emotionally. When something upsetting happens, it is necessary to experience the emotions, rather than suppress them, but as soon as possible, turn away from the issue.

I suspect that victims of abuse would you find you to be a very good source of support and advocacy. The trick is to experience empathy, and express compassion, without absorbing the other person’s pain. Many people avoid seeking help because they don’t want others to experience pain on their behalf. Pain free empathy really is a neat trick, and in some cases pain is not the avoidable. I can usually do a decent job of handling it, by concentrating on allowing the pain to become love. Perhaps that’s not an easy concept to accept, but try sitting with it for a while.


Hey just want to check up! How’s everything?


I think I’ve finally lost it.


What happened? You alright?