I miss feeling you there

It’s been a very tough few months,I just had a good week, first good week in months and I’m coming down from the high since friday, It’s tough I really miss having that person besides me when I need them it’s unlocking a lot of memories, happy ones but those are the hardest ones for me, I can’t reminisce on that relation yet without feeling good about it.
Next month it’s going to be 3 years. I’m ready, I’m strong, so so very strong.



@Wapiti, dear friend.

YES, you are strong. 3 years equals 1095 Days. 3 years equals 26280 Hours. That is how freaking strong you are. At first each hour, then each day, now each year is another step forward in your grief, healing, in learning to let go but also to live for YOU. We learn to honor the good memories by leaving them where they belong, to the past. We learn to honor ourselves by taking care of ourselves so we don’t let the bad ones impact our present life, or at least not too much. There will still be uncontrolled emotions, triggers and a deep sense of sorrow sometimes. But you have never ceased to grow stronger, and you will get through this new “anniversary”.

Make sure to rest your body and your mind as much as possible as this day approaches. I am sometimes myself very surprised at how much anniversaries made of grief can really cause a freeze and flight type of reaction for several days. So, treat yourself well. You freaking deserve it.

You will be okay. :hrtlegolove:


Hi Wapiti,

We have tough days and good days but people tend to weigh the tough days more than the good ones. It’s going to be 3 years, and a lot can happen in that time period. You’ve been able to get through all of this and I’m very proud of you for that.

Have a good time, enjoy life, stay positive, and keep a smile on your face. As you said yourself, you’re ready, you’re strong, and you can do this. We are here with you and we want to see you continuing this positivity. Feel free to update us :hrtlegolove:


From: twixremix

hi wapiti!

i’m so sorry that it’s been a difficult few months. i hope for more good weeks like last week for you, you deserve it! i’m proud of you for persevering towards this 3 year anniversary coming up next month. you are incredibly strong and i wish more than anything that you can do something kind and special for yourself on this 3rd year anniversary - whether it be having your favorite meal, watching a comfort movie/show, indulging in a hobby, etc… doing that kinda stuff on difficult anniversaries personally help me get through those days! regardless of your avenue of self-care, i hope you can take care of yourself and to always hold on to the fact that you are ready and you are strong! sending you a ton of support and love, please reach out to your heartsupport community on the wall here if you need anything at all - we are here for you!


From: eloquentpetrichor

Hello, Wapiti! Sometimes it is nice to reminisce fondly on the past but I can understand how it can be difficult as well to want to put something behind you and you cannot. You are right, you are strong. And you can keep moving forward away from these memories. Stay strong :hrtlegolove:

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From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hey Friend, Thanks for your post, firstly can I say that I am really happy that you have had good week for the first time in a few months, that is great. As for the three years I am glad that time has moved on for you and sometimes its not always possible to look back on a relationship with fondness and thats ok, there is a reason why they end afterall. I wonder if its worth now trying to start working on making new memories with someone else. life is short friend, make the most of it. I wish you lots of luck. Lisa. x

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