I plan to stop the toxic cycle with my parents once and for all

My parents are emotinally abusive, verbally aggresive, and our relationship in general is very hectic, unpredictable its going on a rollaer costar blindfolded but its not a normal roller costar it tricks you from staying steady, still, postive, to suddenly no warning caving into the earth with rocks jagged up at every turn that has negativity, insults, manipulation, self doubt to curving up and down and not getting a break kind of like a road but it has potholes every 5 seconds i used to want a healthy relashionship with my parents and i still do because those weeks, days, where it feels like we are a family are precious and its a feeling i wish we had consisintly but unfortunately most of the time me and my familys relashionship is very negative not just me and them but the family dynamic my parents marriage is very unhealhty and its toxic i noticed that from a young age the yelling, threats, crying, the controlling and everything else then there are my brothers who are also verbally and phsyicallly aggresive its in better terms dysfunction i my self arent exempt from that in the past couple years I have been dealing with impulse control, aggresion, anxiety, depression, many mental health disorders, health issues the past 3 or so years I have been in 4 php prgrams [ out paintent hospitalization] 1 mental hoaptial and too many er visits to count. Countless therapists from a young age [we never stayed with one therapist i constatly had new ones] our relashionship got really bad around the time i aged into a pre teen from there it hasent heen the same sure we have those weeks, months maybe of a sane and healthy relashionship but almost always its a front because in these times you never knew what thing could set either person off other times it was filled with degrading, yelling, shouts, threats.

Ive been in group therapy, indvidual therapy alot and for a while but looking back i noticed that I had tried communicating with them my triggers, my warning signs. Ive even tried to set boundries with my parents but its never worked because i was the only one putting in the effort often times they would argue back, ignore it or keep going when im trying to communicate how they are making me feel. Im truly am trying to not let those countless hours of therapy not go to waste but ive realzied that they arent willing to communicate with me, respect my boundries, my triggers, my warning signs time and time again ive tried to sit them down but it sadly turns into them manipulatinting me saying stuff like “oh but you have never improved” “you dont use your coping skills!” That among other stuff it used and still makes me feel as if it was all not worth it that ill always be like this, that im evil, cruel, my biggest fear was that i was a bad person, a evil soul and that i would grow up to die alone with noone. I still fear it even though i know the cause of the fear where the insults and ideas my mom implanted in my head.

I know that if things stay as is that it could lead to very bad results right now my parents sre just emotionally and verbally aggresive but recently their behavior has changed and if it keeps going i dont think id want to know. That and i can tell its taking its toll on me, my mental health, ect and other stuff I still have to leaglly live with them for 4 or 5 years.

I know that if they arent willing to actually crooprate that i need to take it in my own hands. My goals are to
:black_small_square:︎use coping skills right at the moment
:black_small_square:︎use my grounding techniques
:black_small_square:︎dont be as emotianlly reactive to them

My coping skills are
☆ breathing exercises
☆ thinking “how would this affect me and whay are rhe negative outcomes” [most of the time it ends in a truamtuc way]
☆ walking away
☆ sitting outside
☆ petting my animals [i would NEVER EVER NEVER hurt any animals i love them and even if i cant control my anger i still would never hurt them they are able to take me out of my deepest spirals. People hurting animals cause me to have a very bad panic attack]
☆ Reading
^ these coping skills help but often times in my situation i switch moods fast and i forget to use these i need to find coping skills that can help me right in that moment because im only foucsed on anger.

I still need to stick to this goal and formulate a more steady plan but it will hopefully be good for now i know ill have an issue sticking to this but i really am determainrd to improve my situation because ive felt to much anger and ive cried too much.

:heart: - something else ive been here since what 2020? Maybe 2021? I forgot but heartsupport has helped me so much and im so increadibly grestfull for everyone here this community is so supporitve, understanding and loving you guys have helped me trough so much and I dont think i can thank yall enough



Congratulations on making your Action Plan.

It sounds like you have been put through such a lot with your parents over the years and the fact that you are using the skills you have learned to stop this cycle of negativity and emotional hurt is inspirational. I hope that along with all the coping skills and techniques you have listed and use, we in this community can also help to support you through this plan in the hope that you can move forward and live the happier and healthier life that you so much deserve.
I cannot tell you how much I want this to work and I look forward to seeing it happen. Good luck to you Josie. If you need any support at all, we are right here. Much Love Lisa. x

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Josie, I actually find a lot of hope in this right here:

The power here is in shifting from what you can’t control (how your parents treat you) to what you can control (how you respond to them, how you keep your cool, how you handle your emotions). Wow - powerful shift!

Having multiple coping skills is also really hopeful - as you look at that list, there’s a lot of options there. It feels good to SEE that “blowing up” or even “imploding” aren’t the only options when things go south. You have a good set of tools here.

I’m curious how you make this goal something you can look back on and say “I did or didn’t accomplish that”. What do you think you could do to make this measurable? An example could be “I’m going to count how many times I get in conflict with my parents, and I’m going to count how many times I respond positively. In three months, I want to be responding positively at least 50% of the times.” Or something like that. What are your thoughts?

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This is SUCH a powerful plan, so thorough. It truly reflects how mature and resilient you are despite the environment you’ve been facing at home.

How has it been lately with the anger and tears? Do you manage to use the skills that you have listed on your initial post?

Coming from a home where there was a lot of abuse and toxicity, I wholeheartedly relate to the point you listed for “petting my animals” – when I was little my cat was such a pillar of comfort to me, and she always had a very magic way to know when I needed a hug. Love that you’ve listed this in your post and that you can rely on all the resources you’ve added there.

So, so very proud of you.

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Thank you so much! Yes an update: I got new medacine (a patch that gose on the skin) and its been tremendously helpful my moods been better, i havent been as irrated or angry, im more talkative and calm its a huge mile stone for me my family life is better too. Its been a long time scince me and my family fought, there’s been rough spots and a few times where me and my brother or mom fought but much less scince this post(like for example some days I could see my mom reverting back to toxic behaviors but we talked about it and communicated and it changed) communication and boundries where very important too when i talked with my family and made it very clear my boundries, triggers it helped a bit sometimes they trigger me, or do toxic behaviors but I learned to walk away and use my coping skills ive also been much better about using my coping skills and grounding techniques. My family is much better now about respecting me as a person and my boundries.
Life is doing well for me right now I just hope it lasts. (Sometimes when we have good “patches” they can be nice for a couple of months and spiral into bad ones but i do see real improvement on both sides) (My dog loved me petting him as a coping skill lol free pets he wasent complaining)

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Hey @Josie, late reply here, my apologies.

I got new medacine (a patch that gose on the skin) and its been tremendously helpful my moods been better, i havent been as irrated or angry, im more talkative and calm its a huge mile stone for me my family life is better too.

Sounds like a major change indeed! It’s incredible how sometimes finding the right medicine, treatment or asset in general can really change the way we interact we other, and how they perceive us as a result. I hear that it’s been chaotic for you and your family for a while. This new sense of peace must be so very welcomed and just feel good!

Its been a long time scince me and my family fought, there’s been rough spots and a few times where me and my brother or mom fought but much less scince this post(like for example some days I could see my mom reverting back to toxic behaviors but we talked about it and communicated and it changed)

:clap: :clap: :clap: Well done! I’m continuously impressed by your maturity, and how willing you are to communicate, find solutions and express your boundaries. In a lot of families, and with a lot of people in general, these conversations can be so difficult to have. It requires quite a lot of humility on both sides. It’s good to hear that your mom has been listening to you and did not dismiss your needs/boundaries either. <3

I learned to walk away and use my coping skills ive also been much better about using my coping skills and grounding techniques.

So, so good to hear. Is there a grounding technique that helps you more than others?

Sometimes when we have good “patches” they can be nice for a couple of months and spiral into bad ones but i do see real improvement on both sides.

I hear you. It’s only the beginning and there’s a long history behind, so it can be intimidating to rejoice. Peace and happiness can feel scary – once you taste it you also realize how much you can lose. It’s absolutely okay to try to keep your impressions and perspective anchored in the present, without trying to guess too much how long it would be that way or not. It’s a slow practice as well, but definitely something you can learn over time.

My dog loved me petting him as a coping skill lol free pets he wasent complaining

:hrttaylove: :hrttaylove: :hrttaylove: Aww! You bet, it’s the perfect combination. A good exchange of services. :stuck_out_tongue:

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