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Belongs to: Convictions - The Price of Grace - Therapist Reacts
I really do feel thats the only reason im still here at this point. So my family doesn’t have to get through this grief again after my dad died 2 years ago
Im sorry for your dad’s passing and honesty if you feel like you are a burden on your family and that you don’t want them to go through the pain again. It hard when people we love pass but also im here to let you know there is purpose even though it may have changed or became a struggle life is not a walk in a park sometimes. But here at heartsupport we have you’re back and you can really open up on here and connect your feelings. But for now i just want to keep pushing forward and if you need someone to talk to about it just open up it normal to have feelings and emotions about something or even in times of struggle.
Hi friend, my heart goes out to you. Thanks so much for posting. Your life has so much value not just for your family but to the world. Keep your head up and stay strong.
With love,
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Hi there. I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. Grief is such a difficult thing to go through, even more so when it’s a parent. I’m glad to hear that your family is keeping you here. Even if it’s just the smallest thing that keeps you going, it’s worth it. I’m certain that they appreciate you holding on even when it’s hard. Please know that you are loved and your life is worth living. If you ever need more support, please do not hesitate to reach back out. Sending all the love!
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Hi there friend, Thank you so much for sharing with us. It takes a lot of courage to speak out about your experiences. Loss is so difficult. It can be so confusing, dark, and miserable at times. Going through that as a family or as an individual is always hard. Finding a way to keep pushing on and to keep being yourself can be challenging. But thank you for doing so. Please keep putting one foot in front of the other. We appreciate you. Your family appreciates you. There are brighter times ahead, I can assure you. We are here for you at Heart Support.
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hey friend,
i’m so sorry for the loss of your dad 2 years ago. grief is such a heavy weight to carry whether it’s been 2 years or 20 years. i’m really glad you’re here and i know your family is as well. having people to lean on for support and as a means for hope and perseverance through a turbulent world is so vital. i hope you can do something kind and special for yourself soon, my friend, you deserve it. and if you ever need a space to share more of what’s on your heart, your heartsupport community has your back. you aren’t in this alone. you’re heard and understood. again, i’m thankful you’re here and hope you can continue fighting forward for a better tomorrow. you matter!
I want to start off by letting you know that im so sorry for your loss. What a powerful song, it’s one of my favorites and has helped me in those dark times. You are definitely not alone, especially when you say you can’t put your loved ones through more pain, it shows what an amazing and loving person you truly are. I can sympathize with you completely. As a matter of fact, my not wanting to put my loved ones through more pain is the reason I’m still here. That is also a sign that there is still hope for you to continue on. You’ve found a reason to keep on keeping on, and that shows what a truly strong person you are. I see you, and I hope you know now that you are not alone in your battle with those dark times.
With love
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I’m sorry about the grief and hurt that has come with your dad’s passing. Losing someone leaves this crater in your heart and it can feel like each day that passes, a further disconnection is placed. Time can be a healer, but also a reminder that life is moving. It’s hard to gain composure and perspective when you feel frozen in that moment. It can feel like while the world is moving, your heart and thoughts keep reaching back to that time.
Knowing that the weight of grief is so hard and heavy is such a grappling concept when it comes to our own lives. It can feel like this hopelessness encompasses us, but we hold on because we couldn’t possibly leave that grief to someone else.
I know you’re not alone in those thoughts and feelings. For me it was hard and sometimes still is to reconcile wanting to find peace and rest from my thoughts and feelings, and wanting to never be the reason anyone else feels a heavy sadness in their heart.
It sounds so cliche to say the words “one day at a time”, but sometimes it’s even one minute at a time. Those moments to find joy however small they are. It’s talking to a friend or seeing my flowers or fruit bloom. It’s sitting under a sprinkler on a hot day. Sometimes it’s about co-existing with the discomfort, but knowing that it won’t win. Not today.
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I truly appreciate every single on of your comments and i promise to stay here for as long as possible thank you
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First, I am so sorry for your loss.
And I am so sorry you feel like this, it sounds like you are carrying incredibly hard and heavy feelings.
I hope you remember that you are not alone in this. And that your well-being matters too.
I know grief is an intense feeling and it can leave you feeling hopeless but I know you are going to make it and not only because you don’t want to hurt your family, I really hope you find that hope again to keep going, not for others but for yourself.
Sending love and support