I relate to this song everyday is a fucking battle

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
I relate to this song, everyday is a fucking battle.

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Hey there friend. Thanks for reaching out.

You’re definitely hitting home with the every day is battle. I feel like I’m living in a constant struggle to make it through each day. Thankfully, I’ve been able to wake up and tell myself “Oh hey, you survived yesterday, well played. Let’s do it again today.”

This song, especially the unplugged version just exuded so much emotion to me while basically saying the words that I often struggled to find myself to explain how I felt in life. Brought me some solace to know that I wasn’t alone in feeling the way that I did.

Stay strong and look for the little wins wherever you can find them. Know that you’re not alone and that if you ever need someone to listen, you can always hop back on here and they’ll be plenty of folks looking to help.

Hey there!

Thanks for posting. I agree with AJ, and yourself, it can be super rough. I identify with the song and always have with Layne’s lyrics. They can be so poignant that it’s startling. For me what has helped is gratitude for what I do have that is good and working as hard as I can to create more of it.

Keep your head up and please reach out if you ever need a listening ear or fresh perspective.
