I-struggle-with-both-i-ve-learned-something-that-i - 1113

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I struggle with both. I’ve learned something that I always avoided but talking with others helps. That and jiu jitsu which increases and then calms my anxiety a ton :joy: it’s weird.


It’s great to hear that you’ve learned that talking to others helps you, just opening up and letting out all of our fears to a trusted friend helps to manage anxiety for sure. It sounds like doing jiu jitsu is working for you too, that’s wonderful and it’s great to get some exercise too. Thank you for sharing!

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Talking really does help! It’s great that you have an outlet for it!


It’s lovely you have found something that helps you so much. Maybe it helps you get all of your anxiety out at once in a helathy and physical way so that you are left calm and empty of your anxiety for a time. Whatever the reason it’s awesome it helps! :hrtlegolove:

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exercise is a great way of calming your anxiety and then being able to communicate with others is a fabulous bonus too. good luck x