I take care of these people but no one takes care

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Dear Alcohol by Dax
I take care of these people but no one takes care of me,…. It’s so true I’m a single dad with 2 girls and when they Arnt with me I drink and I drink hard cuz I can’t deal when they ain’t with me :cry:

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Hey my friend. Thank you for posting - I cant imagine how hard this is. I’m glad you’ve opened up here.

You mentioned taking care of your two girls but not having anyone taking care of you. That must feel like, taking on the burden of money, keeping food on the table and all of that stress. But also the stress of wondering if you’re doing the right thing. Wondering if you’re raising them right, making the right choices, how they’ll turn out in the future. And without having an outlet for those questions and for that stress, with nobody to talk to to reassure you - I can only imagine that feeling absolutely lonely.

And Im sorry about that my friend. I really am. Everyone deserves people.

Im 32 with just one daughter. But for me, I haven’t had any friends until the last 6 months. I pretty well secluded myself inside. In my twenties, I firmly believed I should handle everything on my own. My dad raised me to be stoic and “manly” and not to “need anyone”.

Of course, I currently have my partner. But even then, Im a firm believer that most people should have a network of people to spend time with so that Im not putting everything and all of my stress on my wife.

But I have to say that my father was wrong and that having people, having friends…it has been a game changer. For me, I started playing Magic The Gathering at my local game store once a week. But also, i started trying to socialize with our neighbor who has children. And that has been tremendous.

Being able to relate to other dads. Or go on a bike ride with my card game friend and chat about life. To decompress. To simply decompress.

I cant overstate how great it feels.

I dont say this to brag. I feel a lot of shame for how much time Ive wasted by just being on my own. How much hurt i put myself through.

But i say this all to say that you deserve to have people in your life that you can connect with. That you can lean on. That you can invite over to play board games with you and your kids. People you can have hobbies with.

You deserve love and compassion. And I hope that you find it.
I believe in you friend. Truly.

I hope you know that.

Hold fast.