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Belongs to: Cosmic - Avenged Sevenfold - Therapist Reacts
I think everyone has a different lens and that’s okay. I’m not saying anyone is wrong, but I cry every time this song comes on. Crying as I type this out haha I have a very deep connection with this song and that’s why it’s my favorite song off this album. 2 things:
1.If anyone has seen the movie Interstellar, (you should already know) if you haven’t, you should, it will make you understand the concept if there was no god (theoretically speaking). Which also makes you understand the beauty of life through space and time.
- I lost my sister to suicide in the fall of 2015. From Interstellar, I call her “My Ghost.”
I cry every time at the slow part after “Dancing in the wind, as roses born again, there you’ll find me.” After every “there you’ll find me” I start bubbling up, because in my eyes my sister is with me everywhere I go. The ascending “Let it go” is supposed to simulate entering another life. Then soft electronic textures to simulate you have made it into the afterlife and then the explosive hit to simulate “The Big Bang,.” the start of your afterlife. From there, I’m a mess. I’m a mess right now. but, if you’d like a more broad understanding, watch the music video. The music makes me cry too. I am thoroughly convinced that you only have one life, and it is so precious in today’s world, so let’s not waste it.