I think I just lost the person I love the most

I was doing school work just now, working on an essay and such, so I had my phone on silent, I didn’t hear any notification. And when I pulled up my phone I saw some messages from my boyfriend, and he was saying he was sorry, and gave an I love you and I knew something was wrong quickly. He has depressive moments like me, and he has said to me he was suicidal, but I always was there for him. And I can’t help but realize, he

Could be gone. I feel like my heart shattered, broke, I really cared for him. I loved him so deeply, he cared for me so much as well. He helped me not commit myself and with the whole system thing. And I can’t bear to think I lost him. I’m currently in the bathroom typing this up with tears. I just messaged him but he hasn’t responded, and I’m worried I’m too late. He sent me that message half an hour ago. I don’t know what the fuck to do. My brain is fuzzy and I can’t stop crying.


Heya @Sky-Trev Before you assume anything. Call him. See if he answers. Please stay safe.

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He hasn’t responded at all, I can’t call because it’s a secret gay relationship if my family looks at my call history and see I called him everything is out of the bag. I don’t know what to do, I already sent him texts everywhere.


Hey @Sky-Trev, I can’t imagine the strain you’re going through hiding a relationship like that from your family, but if you believe his life is in danger then that should come first.

If your family asks questions, tell them he’s a friend, tell them he was a suicidal schoolmate, tell them whatever you have to. We will all support you through that. What we can’t do is check on him this instant. You have that ability now.

I know you’re terrified. You’re facing a choice between losing a loved one or outing yourself to your family, and I can’t begin to imagine what kind of pressure that’s putting you under right now. Things with the family will be whatever they are, be it awkward or hateful or shaming; but if he’s in danger, the only thing he’ll be is gone. Be brave, friend. I’m saying a prayer for each of you.


Update: thankfully he’s alive but he attempted, I’m still worried but he’s okay thankfully

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I’m so glad to hear that. I hope he can start healing with you by his side. Thanks for the update, and let us know how it progresses.

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Of course, he has some bruising but it should heal by tonight

Things have been troubling, we have this friend that has been insulting and being transphobic to me and today we are calling him out but with the attempt it’s been a bit stressful…

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Try deleting that specific call if you have an IPhone. Hope this helps.

Also, don’t be friends with a transphobic ass. You deserve better. I hope your boyfriend is okay.

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even then they can look at my phone subscription to Sprint and see who I called

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Oh. Maybe say it’s a friend? And if they don’t know your trans, would they be okay with you having a boyfriend?

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No, they know all my friends, except a few I keep secret. I can’t bring myself up to lie about it being someone they know

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