I threw my blades away

I made the decision a week ago to throw my blades away that i self harm with. Im so sick of using it as a coping mechanism and am trying really hard to change. I hope last week was the last time ill ever cut as this has been going on since i was 13 and now im 24.


Hi @GrungeGirl

This so good to hear about that you’re getting away from this and are strong for even coming forward with this instead of hiding it for so long. I feel there plenty of others ways you could cope with a problem like maybe playing a game, listening to music (p.s one of favorites for both of these past ones). Also there books there alot to fill in for that coping. Even having pets around is a great help. These struggle are not the end of you for sure and your definitely not alone through this alot of my fellow heartsupport members will probably also comment eventually so i won’t be the only one here as your first comment. But what you’re dealing with will be overcome with time. But don’t give up on this goal of change in you’re life you are doing an amazing thing so far to getting rid of that self-harm and continue to really move forward through this.


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Thank you for your encouraging words, i feel ready to work on myself and i definitely love listening to music as a coping skill.


well done you!

if you want, you can probably take a few moments to write down how you feel now, and what led to this very brave and positive act. then you can always have it as a reminder of how good it felt, and your hopes for the future for yourself.
congrats again, thanks for sharing this great progress!

I am so happy to hear you took a step away from self-harm. You should be proud of yourself for your courage to stop using that to cope but also for your self-awareness of knowing you need to stop. I am proud of you! I dont want anyone to ever hurt you. That includes you hurting yourself. You deserve TLC. I saw you replied that you enjoy using music to help cope as well. Music is so healing. Are there any particular artists or songs that help more than others?

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Thank you, such a good idea :heart:


Hey @GrungeGirl,
I just wanted to drop in and see how you are doing.