I want it to end

From kingnothing555: I just wanna fade away and stop feeling and thinking. Nothing ever stays even decent and it always get worse why should I have to keep doing this.


Hey there friend,

I hear you. I feel for you. Please remember you are loved and you are strong. The bad times will pass, you can make it through this. We are here for you.

Much love,

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I hear you, friend. It can be overwhelming and frustrating when things keep going wrong in life. When you’re feeling down or hopeless, try to remember that the decent times you’ve had. Even if they didn’t last, it’s important to appreciate the good times so that the bad times don’t break you down. Keep your head up, you’ll make it through this. You will have better days.
With love and support,

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Hi kingnothing,
I hear ya. I can definitely relate to wanting to just fade away. You’re not alone, friend. Hang in there. This too will pass. We got you here.
With love,

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I can definitely empathise. I’ve had those days, weeks and even months of feeling life is stuck in a cycle of doubt, loss, fear and helplessness. It certainly can feel like it’s all too much and wanting everything to just stop and allow us to fade into the background is a normal feeling. The overwhelm gets too much and it’s exhausting mentally.

I think one thing that has at times helped me is to take a moment to know that this moment is temporary. That the cycle of hurt does come to a halt. It takes time to process and re-engage into a comfortable rhythm and because of that I know that when I hit my limits I need to find support. Sometimes it’s professionally and sometimes it’s just saying to a friend “I need to get out of my house and out of my head for a while”.

You’re definitely not alone. I know this burden is undeserved, but what you do deserve is a support system. I hope by sharing that you feel that the burden can be lightened. Give yourself some grace and love, take time for yourself as you need


hi friend,
i’m really sorry to hear that you’re feeling like this. it sounds incredibly tough, and i want you to know that your feelings are valid. it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. there are people who care about you and want to support you through this.

sending love,
celina <3

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hey friend,

i’m so sorry you’re stuck in the lows of life. it’s extremely difficult when each day is met with harder currents to swim through as we struggle to stay above water. it’s understandable to want to stop feeling and thinking when nothing goes our way. are there ways to switch life up or change routines to allow the chance for good things to happen? i’ve been in your shoes where nothing could ever go right and it’s so frustrating. by moving cities, testing different routines, and removing negative influences in my life, better days lit the horizon. i hope something similar can happen for you, my friend. you deserve happiness, peace, and love. may a better tomorrow reach you soon.


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Hey there,
You are so heard and so seen. It can be so exhausting to feel like everything just gets worse and doesn’t go the way we’d hoped/planned. I just want to remind you that no feeling is permanent, they’re like waves in the ocean that come, and as they come they can get bigger, and then they go, and as they go they get smaller and eventually fade away. But as you go through those waves, you’re not alone. We’re here for you friend!



I get this and understand that it’s such a hard way to feel. Just know that no feeling will stay forever. In the past when I’ve felt similarly it’s helped to acknowledge my feelings and move forward with small forms of self care. We’re here for you!


Hi there friend,

I understand how frustrating it feels going through these tough times. Hopefully talking these feelings out with us and the people in your life will help. I hope you know that we are always here for you no matter what.

Take care.

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hi there,

it seems like you have a lot happening right now and i completely understand the want to fade away and stop feeling my emotions. i have been there before and it definitely feels like you are sinking through some quicksand with every single inconvenience. you are valid for feeling this way but you are definitely not alone. feelings come and go and they travel up and down like a roller coaster. i hope that in your higher and positive moments, you can appreciate them a little more and in your lower you can heal from those and try and turn the energy around to make it better for yourself. you deserve to feel those happy moments. wishing you love and support and better days ahead

-daniela <3


Hi kingnothing555,
I am incredibly sorry that you feel this way. I just want to let you know that what you feel is 100% valid, and that you are not alone in this journey. You have us friends at heart support to support you along your journey. Although it may seem like complete darkness around you, there is a light at the end of the tunnel

Hope this helps

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Hey there friend,

I have been there. I am so sorry this is a battle you must face as well. I know it’s hard, it’s hard to see the good when dealing with the bad.

I have been there so many times, even yesterday, where i just wanted to die, i didn’t want to be here anymore. I was so sick and tired of how terrible I have made my life, and how much I have messed it up.

You have to keep going. Things get better, with time and work. There are still bad days, but there are also good days. There are experiences to have, memories to be made, people to meet. As we go on, it gets easier to manage, and to deal with emotions and trials brought to u. It can be so so hard, I know, but man it does get better I promise you.

What are some things that you enjoy? Personally I enjoy art and music, it makes me feel better in the times when I am down and struggling, it gives me hope to keep going, reminding me things will get better.

I can understand the thoughts of if it keeps getting worse, why do I have to keep going? It gets really hard, I’m so sorry. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

I know how in these times where it seems like things don’t get better. I promise you that they do.

I just want yOu to know, that I have been there. I understand.

Sometimes the thoughts get to be too much, the emotions get to be too much, everything gets to be too much. I am right there right now friend. Money, work life balance, my dog needing another surgery that we just don’t have money for. It gets so hard. I know. I am still trying to hold onto hope, to keep going.

I try to remember my favorite YouTubers posting new videos, or my favorite bands releasing new music. It keeps me going, it helps me in the meantime, so I can make it through those tough times, I have time to figure out how to make things happen. It makes the difficulties less debilitating.

I know that my words may not fix things, but I hope that they can help a little. I started here, posting on Heart Support when I was 16 on my birthday, wanting to die. And I was met with love and acceptance. I hope that you can find the light that I did.

We are always here to listen, or be a shoulder to lean on. No matter what.

I believe in you friend, please keep holding on. You have come so so far, and there are so many more better days ahead.

You are not alone. There are people who will listen and people who care, i know this my friend because I too have been there.

The sun will rise, and we will try again.

With love,

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From kingnothing555: It’s been a while since my friend left me and I still think about him a lot. I still want to talk to him again even though I know it’s wrong and I just want this to end already. I can’t keep pretending I’m okay anymore. I’m tired of pretending, I let my brother get away with so many disgusting things because I’m afraid of what he’ll do to me if I tell anyone. I need to get it over with and end it

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I feel you and I understand those feelings can be frustrating and overwhelming. Feeling down and hopeless is so frustrating and you might be looking for the easy way out.
I just want you to know that you are not alone and whenever you need to talk to someone you can post here ion the forum, you will always have someone happy to listen to you.
Hang in there and I am sure you will get through it!
sending lots of love

  • Domenica