I want to get back in shape

Wow, wow, wow! This is excellent, @Sapphire! Significant progress and impact! What a gift it is to feel the positive results and to let it extend momentum. Well done! This is very inspiring. :hrtlegolove:

(Also: three weeks already? See that’s commitment right there! :clap:)


The last few days have had ups and downs. I am still slowly but steadily losing weight (roughly a pound per weeksince I started), however I think Ive hit another wall where I need to reel in the exercise. My legs have been hurting considerably since Monday. Trying to tell myself that its ok to take a break, but its been hard to accept if Im being honest.


Hey Sapphire

Lovely to hear from you, everytime I read your updates It just makes me feel sorry that you are trying so hard and you keep losing your weight and get fit and yet those bumps in the road keep on coming and I remember them all so very well and how disconcerting they felt. (Don’t get me wrong I’m not a slim fit person now who doesn’t have to worry, I just gave up caring about all that as I have little conficence in myself) but thats me.
You however are doing a fantastic job, a pound a week is is almost 4 stone in a year and that is done carefully and safetly which means you have the best success in keeping it off which is awesome. When it comes to your exercise I think you could be right, perhahps you could do some non weight bearing exercise for a little while and then when you feel you can go back set youself a more reasonable routine?
It can be hard when your body wont keep up with your will but if you take it easier now, I think you will hopefully have longer or less issues later (fingers crossed)
If it doesnt come across which I hope it does, I am so rooting for you here. I wish you so much luck and I also have a lot of faith inyou. Take care for now. Lisa. x


I have confidence and to be honest, after I had Kiera I really started accepting my body because I know my husband it still attracted to me at least lol. And Im not majorly overweight. But as I get older and my CP symptoms become more apparent, losing the weight seemed to make sense as the 1st step towards pain management.

The issue with this is that I havent been strength training yet, as much as I want to. Ive only been riding my stationary bike for between 15 and 30 mins a day, 5 or so days a week depending on the amount of pain Im feeling. There really isnt anything that I can cut back on.


Its been almost 2 weeks since I updated so I think its time.

I was sick for the past week so didnt do much exercising. Im still steadily losing though, Im 5 lbs down in 6 weeks. My 1st weight milestone will be after 3 more lbs lost at which point I will be out of the 140s and into the 130s which is getting very close to my pre-pregnancy weight.


Well done @Sapphire. :hrtlegolove: It sounds like you’re finding some good routine and pace. Steadily but surely! You can definitely start to see the results of your efforts and practice. This is super encouraging!


Ive not been doing too well to be honest.

The past week was really stressful. I was working 10 hour days with 30 min lunches while sleep deprived and watching Kiera. This action plan definitely moved to the back burner. I did gain a little bit of weight.

That being said, Ive been taking steps to get back on track since this last weekend.

My husband and I went out on Sunday. We ate at Red Lobster where I had a lobster and broccoli and a couple (literally) french fries.

I also got some foods to make veggie wraps for lunch during work. I have salmon and I make some white rice and put it on a lettuce leaf and its surprisingly filling, even with minimal rice. I usually eat 3 because thats how far I can stretch a 4 oz salmon fillet. I am slowly losing weight again.

We also got tattoos. We got the norse rune for marriage on our left forearm just above out left hand. Left ring finger being for wedding rings. But we’ve never really worn them, we both had jobs that were suitable for jewelry. Im pretty happy with the tattoo so far, its still pretty fresh though and I still have the tattoo film on so I havent seen it since it was covered (fluid buildup and whatnot).

Im looking forward to my vacation. Im starting to get back into exercising after not doing it last week and I have a doctors appointment the week of my vacation.


Hey @Sapphire, how is it going for you? <3

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Hi Micro. Not well.

My exercise has come to a stand still because my doctor is still trying to find a muscle relaxer that works for me. I ended up gaining my weight back plus some.

Because of this, this past weekend I buckled down hard on my diet and ended up losing a ton of water weight. Ive lost 7 lbs since Sunday. Technically 8 but I broke my diet yesterday because I felt that all that weight is way too much, even if some of it was water weight. I’m just now back to where I was a month ago.


It has been a while since I updated this topic. I think I finally got a muscle relaxer that works fairly well and drowsiness is the only side effect I have, so I’m going to try to work out again.


Love this update, @Sapphire. I’m sorry that it’s been quite a rollercoaster so far, although it is also part the journey but to figure out things that will help you along the way. So thankful you found a muscle relaxer that seems to really bring some relief to you. I truly admire and applaud your perseverance and willingness to get back to it. Strong spirit right there! <3


Thanks Micro. I’m back to losing small amounts of weight at a regular pace.


Thanks Micro. I’m back to losing small amounts of weight at a regular pace.

So happy for you! YOU.GOT.THIS.


Im checking in to say Ive lost almost 2 lbs since my last post.


Thinking of you, @Sapphire. I hope things are going well for you.


Hi Micro.

I’m still worn out from having to make up so many hours from missing work for Kiera’s appointments. I was falling asleep at work today so figured its probably not the best idea.


I lost 3 lbs last week. Ive been see-sawing up and down at my usual plateau point but I dipped under that mark this morning so Im hoping I can keep it up and clear that plateau once and for all.


What an amazing progress, @Sapphire. Yes, overcoming this plateau is going to be a good source of momentum and encouragement for you! Keep it up, friend. You’re doing great, and you’ll get there. :hrtlegolove:


Thanks Micro, I appreciate the support. :slight_smile: