I was 17 yrs old when this came out and i feel mor

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Belongs to: Therapist Reads the Diary of a Madman by Ozzy Osbourne
I was 17 yrs old when this came out and I feel more alone now then I did then

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I appreciate you reaching out and sharing your feelings with us. I know there are times, especially around this time of year, that i have felt alone even in a room full of familar faces. It sucks! But by reaching out you are going to find out that you are never alone in the darkness. Any time those thoughts come crashing in, reach out and we will see you through those times. Stay strong and keep breathing friend.

With Love


I hear you, Friend. It always seems so odd to me that loneliness is something that connects so many of us. Thanks for sharing. Sending some love your way.

Hi there friend,

Thank you for sharing with us. And thank you for being here. Ozzy made such a powerful song here. The line “Enemies fill up the pages
Are they me?” is such a perfect example of what an internal struggle can feel like. I feel like i’m fighting with myself at times, almost as if i’m my own worst enemy. But please know that although those feelings of loneliness and pain are real, we are here for you at Heart Support. You have a community here for you.
Stay Strong friend.

It can be tough but we’re here to support you. Just gotta fight the good fight. Never give up.

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