Hey there my friend. Thanks so much for your time and energy in posting this. I can imagine this has been a weight on your shoulders for some time now.
You mention in your post having hurt someone in the past. And how you’ve been given forgiveness from the person, and have even shared with a few other people, but you cannot seem to let go.
It seems like this is in reference to a sense of self punishment. Perhaps putting yourself down or feeling shame. Like you cannot forgive yourself and move forward.
And that makes sense. It makes sense to feel shame in that way. It makes sense to ruminate. To get stuck. I cannot blame you a bit for what you’re feeling because I’ve been there too.
The thing I still struggle with is leaving my ex and our daughter. About 5 years ago now, I decided that I had to go. I just needed to go. The relationship wasn’t working out, I wasn’t very engaged in it. And I just…sort of left.
At the time, I contorted it as a relationship issue. Compatibility and long term goals and this and that.
But ultimately, it was a me thing. And for years, I moved state to state, bouncing around, barely making ends meet. And not really being there for my daughter.
It eats me up inside to this day that I thought that was ok. That I did what I did.
Every day I wonder how much damage I did to her by not being around. And that shame weighs heavy on my heart.
A few years ago I went to therapy. I started unraveling stuff and taking accountability for my life. My therapist said that I hold myself to a standard that was unreasonable. And that I did this because it was easier to think of myself as being simply bad, instead of thinking of myself as complex.
She said I had saw things in “black and white” - as in good or bad.
I decided I was running and that I needed to sort of face the music. Shame was great. But shame was becoming an excuse that was keeping me from really healing. The shame was comfort. So I moved back and, for the past 2.5 years, Ive been in her life consistently.
To concerts, daddy - daughter dances, she stays here over the summer. Things are hard. And I still get terrified. I still feel shame. But those actions were yesterday. I can regret them. But I cant change them. Today - right now - is the only thing that I can effect. The only change I can make.
If someone looked at my past, they may say “man this guy sucks.”
That could be true. That might be. But all I can do is my best right here and now. And the person making choices right here and now, doesn’t suck.
I don’t know what you did my friend. But I hope that you can find ways to forgive yourself and to move forward. To let the past lie where it is and start making choices now that you can be proud of. The change starts when you do - I believe.
And I believe in you.
Hold fast my friend.