Ice Storm Support Thread

Somewhat safe over here, our power goes on and off and we don’t have water. Only crazy thing that happened was our pipes bursting and causing a flood in the dining room, and our kitchen tiles popping and making some sort of hill in the middle of the kitchen. Everything else is fine as our neighbors have helped us out alot. We have a gas fireplace so we’ve been keeping that on 24/7


@anon14688970 I’m so sorry your pipes burst and caused a flood, and about your kitchen tile. Looks like your neighbors are taking care of your immediate needs - how’s your mental health? Are you handing things and moving forward, or panicking and anxious? (It’s ok to be the latter:) )


I just experienced my whole wifi being down. It’s not fun and I’m new to this so hope you don’t mind me joining in. I want change and willing to try everything


@Mark5151 - hey man welcome.

I want to encourage you to post on the main support wall with what you’re going through right now. This thread was for the Houston freeze a few months ago, so I want to make sure more people see and support you. If that sounds good post up on the main page and we got you.

If you life in Houston, DM me we have a local chapter here!

  • John

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