Idk what to do anymore at this point

I’m a teen and everyone says it just bc of my age that I go through this and that but I’ve always felt this guilt bc of my family problems and I always think if I wasn’t born Ik my mom would never be depressed and going through anything and she would be happy and idk I started getting close to god but then today I got the feeling that I use to have and at this point I’m even thinking abt cutting bc I heard it feels good and I just need a break from everything the world just idk and I get body shamed I don’t feel confident and I just wanna feel happy for once and I always buy stuff bc I think it’s gonna make me feel better but it’s been 1-2 years and nothing nothing.


Hey @idkwhattodo1, I can relate to you, I just turned 19 but these last few years have been tough for me. I feel like I’m ungrateful to my family as I come from a privileged family and I still feel awful. I asked for help to my parents but they just said I didn’t need it and it doesn’t help that when my brother went to therapy, my mother got depressed too. Now, I just hope that someday it will get better, life will get easier and then I will be able to enjoy life. Until then, I just wait and calm myself with music and reading. I suggest you find an activity that you enjoy and when you are feeling down, give yourself time to relax by yourself doing that activity. Music has helped me a lot these last few months and I hope it helps you too. Stay strong, it will not last forever.



Thank you so much for reaching out. You are brave for doing so. I am someone who has been where you have. I struggled with depression and cutting for a majority of my teen years. Now I am 20 years old and healthier than ever. I say this to tell you that life does get better. There is healing out there and you deserve it.

In regards to cutting, I understand the feeling of wanting that escape from all the pain. It is tempting to want to take it out on yourself, but honestly, it will only make the emotional pain worse. The relief you feel is only temporary, but it makes things worse in the long run. Instead, try journaling or drawing out what you feel. It really helped me get out all those pent up emotions. Find what you love and do more of it. Surround yourself with people that care about you. Keep reaching out.

You are awesome

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ty I didn’t get to see ur reply but I’m gonna try out the stuff you told me to try

:)IActually never thought abt drawing, gonna try it out to see

Yes! Do it. For me, drawing is a way to put my pen on paper and make something beautiful. When you cut, it makes marks on your skin and it is not pretty. It is harmful and dangerous. So, draw something with a pen and make a mark on paper instead that is beautiful and that contributes positivity to the world.