Im a 53 year old who struggles with depression eve

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
Im a 53 year old who struggles with depression everyday. Ive been this way my entire life. I can remember way back in grade school wishing I was never born. And no one will know how depressed I really am. Because I will keep putting a smile on my fsce and say everything is ok. Because i dont want to put this burden on anyone. Im not an addict i dont use drugs either.


I am sorry you are carrying this burden for such a long time. It must be very exhausting to put up this mask of a happy person all the time when inside you feel so depressed. I know you feel you would burden people with it, but if people really care about you they would want to know. That is at least my own experience.
Is there nobody in your environment that you feel comfortable enough to share your feelings with? Or maybe see a doctor or another professional, they are being paid to listen so maybe that way it would not feel so much like being a burden.
I am happy you felt comfortable enough to share with us, you can be proud about that!
I want you to know that you are valuable and you matter, even when your thoughts are telling you otherwise.
I hope you are able to put off the mask of a happy person at least once in a while with somebody who can help you feel better.

You have been fighting for so long, with depression not leaving your side and telling you all those untrue words about yourself. In school when our vision towards life is still developing, depression came and it blurred it, making us question why are we here, what is the point, and just pretending that we are fine and life is great when in reality we are just broken, lonely and suffering.
I’ve been there at some point and I know how hard it is to show our heart to others, to get vulnerable, to let ourselves be seen, to actually ask for help. All that because we don’t want to disappoint, to burden others because we feel unworthy. But we are worthy and we deserve to get better, there are people who really care and love us, and we would do the same for them.
Even if it was scary, I made the decision to seek a professional and slowly I managed to find healing and hope.
I really hope you will manage to find peace, hope and courage to let your heart be seen by the people that you trust and love. Hold fast! -R

Thank you for sharing.

Depression is something so horrible. I remember on my darknest moment of my life. I wish depression didn’t exist. I have MDD. SO randomly Ill get depressed its horrible feeling mentally and physically it can overwhelm you.

I hope you find your peace and that your mind get cleared of depression. We work so hard on oursleves to be better mentally and its so temporarily.

Prayers to all that suffer from DEPRESSION.

Is crazy how our mind works being a depressed person and how it takes over our mind and body.