I'm a nobody but chick repellent

without a pretty girl my life I’m a nobody on the face of the Earth ever since the beginning of my life I’ve been a nobody there will never be nobody good for me. I don’t know what to do anymore I just give up on life I don’t deserve this I deserve better than this what I’m going through right now don’t do that till midnight teen outbreak crisis it has crumbled into nothing but somebody please help me for I go crazy please.



You dont need a pretty girl or anyone to be valuable, you only need yourself. I know that is hard to believe but you matter and you are loved.

I know that in this society, to have a romantic relationship is like the best of all, but there are a lot of people that dont have that type of relationship, I am one of them. But we as worth as the people that have it.

So my advice would be, that try to start to care and loving yourself and maybe someday you will find that person. You know if you dont love yourself is really hard that you can love anyone.

You arent a nobody, you are a human being and you are as worth as all of us.

If you need to talk or speak in anytime, we are here :hugs:

Take care :heart: