I'm Just So Lost

I have been having the thoughts of “If I die will my friends miss me the amount they say they will?” or “Do I have the impact on people that I’m told I do?” It’s been really exhausting and today they’re coming right after another. Since I’m at my mother’s place this weekend there are a lot of wooded areas and bodies of water around. I could easily go get lost in the woods or lay in the creek. I could disappear so easily around here and I’m scared that I’m gonna do something that I’ll regret. I don’t want to. Trust me I don’t, but the questions and suggestions that are in my head right now are pointing towards that. I’m tired and scared and lost. I don’t know where to go really.


@FaeTheProud <3 You’d be missed. 100%. I’m glad you came here, you can always come here!

If you’re told you have that impact, that’s amazing data to use to fight the other thoughts. Keep reading those messages, remembering those moments, until they become louder than the rest. This is something a therapist is helping me through right now, you’re so not alone in those thoughts and questions. Questioning your impact means you care.

Maybe take this opportunity not to disappear, but to reappear for yourself. Being in nature is such an amazing chance to really reconnect with yourself. Work with every fiber of your being to make this a positive experience for you to recharge and see your impact.

What do you want your impact to be? How can you accomplish that and how have you?


Sarah, thank you for reaching out. Your handle suits you. You should be proud of yourself that you decided to step out and ask for help. I have been where you are and one thing I realized is that people really do care and you have no idea the impact you have. You are incredibly unique and no one can take your place. You are not alone and I encourage you to reach out for help when you need it, just like you did here. That is what will bring you the healing you are so worthy of. You are strong and brave and I truly believe you can get through anything. I am cheering you on as you live your life. You will have ups and downs, but this will pass. Give yourself grace as you navigate this difficult season. I believe in you.

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Sarah, I get it! This week I have been struggling as well. Keep reaching out and hearing the truth from the people who love you! Even when it doesn’t feel like what they are saying could possibly be true, accept it as truth. You are special and loved and wanted! :two_hearts:

Hey Sarah,

I know how hard it can be in life, and sometimes it seems unbearable, like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve learned in life that you always have an impact on someone, you may not believe it but you are special! You are loved! and you will be missed! Maybe try talking with one of those friends and try to vent to them. It feels good to just talk sometimes, and get things off your chest. If you’re not comfortable with conversating with them, I hope you will return here to find some sanctuary and share some more about yourself with us!
