I'm so arngry (tw: sexual assault)

I just found out a friend of mine from a discord server I’m apart of was attacked and maybe even raped I’m not 100 percent sure on the raped part but the way she worded things and didn’t want to elaborate makes me believe that she was I so badly want to hurt this person who did this and make them suffer


I am so sorry to see that! Your friend should get the authorities involved if she was. Have her come here if she needs support and love. Rape is something no one should have to suffer in silence from. We are here for the both of you.

When I got with my husband, my ex boyfriend tried to rape me. I was thankful that I was able to stop him before he could. I’m so sorry about your friend.


she called the police and the person was arrested but yeah this is the first time I’ve ever had a person I know attacked like this and I’m just kinda an angry mess


Idk if this happened recently or in the past but I hope she’s okay. Things like that are terrifying and ecspecially difficult to heal from. Something I hear from people quite often is the bullshit statement “It was your fault”. I don’t know how or why people beleive this, but they like to blame others for their wrongdoings, which just makes me despise humanity even more. I’m with you on the angry thing, recently I had a classmate tell me that others who are traumatized from rape are letting it run their life, and thinks just because he got over his rape trauma other people can too and it’s not “that big of a deal” and thinks its stupid they got ptsd from it… Thing is he’s a psychopathic narssicist and he got to have revenge so of course he’s going to say that. I really do hate people and I hope that fucker gets what it deserves 10 fold.


it happened today and this was the first I’ve ever known someone who has gone through something like this and I’m just beside myself with anger

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Is there a way she can go to a hospital to get checked out? Just to be safe? That really sucks.

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Okay now we’re actually pissed. Fucker better get his balls chopped off (excuse the language). She better find where he lives so she can- okay getting too pissed. Don’t worry he’ll get his ass handed to him literally in prison. She should go to a hospital so she can gain the proof and get checked up. Do uk who did it to her? Her ex or some random person?

she said she was going to the hospital as well

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I think it was a random person she doesn’t live near me I haven’t met her in person so I don’t know exactly how everything happened thats why I’m so angry because I couldn’t do anything for her

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I understand your anger. The best thing to do is support her during these times. She needs support and love now more than ever.


uyeah she just got back from the hospital she said she’s physically fine but when I asked if the person did anything nasty to them they said about that and that they didn’t want to talk about it I’m not trying to make this about me or anything but that just made me cry so much

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I am so sorry for your friend no one should be hurt like this. she will need you and a lot of support. You are a good person take care of yourself too. :sparkling_heart: :heartbeat:

I don’t matter at all my friend matters more

You can’t help others without helping yourself first.

I’ve seemed to be able to help them ok enough with how terrible I am

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