I'm worthless and not worth anyone's time

I spend so much time and effort and I feel like i’m getting nowhere. I have literal sleepless nights over trying to get my GED. I spend so much time trying to please people and it seems like all I do is mess up. I’ve been so depressed lately I’ve hardly been able to take care of myself. I haven’t showered much in the last month, I haven’t done my laundry in a month, and I’ve been focusing on loss much more than gain. I feel myself slipping away and at this point I embrace it. I want to slip away because I just feel like I’m worthless and I’m just a burden.
I put on a happy, sarcastic, and funny personality but deep down inside every waking moment I’m alone (which is often) I feel broken. I’m only human and I just want to go and never come back. I’m so lonely and touch starved. I haven’t had a real hug in years. I want to find someone to sit down with and chat and just be real with. I don’t have friends in person and I am just not worth anyone’s time.
I’m not going to leave yet, but it gets easier every day to leave.


I love you friend. I’m sorry you are having such a hard time right now. I can relate to these struggles. As I fall in and out of these same vicious cycles often. I wish there was more I could do for you and to take away the pain, sadness and stress that you are facing. Just know that I am always a message away. I may be slow, but that doesn’t take away from the love and care I have for you as a friend. And the deep appreciation I have for you being in my life and us sharing a community. Hopefully we can game soon.

  • K

Ethan thank you for posting. I empathize with you. I really do. Feeling broken and alone is constant for me. I know that I have worth and that I’m here for a reason and I KNOW that you are too. You have something special that only you can bring to the world. Please don’t stop trying. You have us in your corner and supporting you every step of the way. I know that you can get through. Hold fast friend.


@StHaTaDi-Ethan :

You are so not alone : you are one amazing friend . The truth is your not worthless and you are NOT a burden. YOU may believe these this now but in the long run you are an amazing person and an amazing friend . Please take care of yourself we love you and we want you to succeed . hold fast friend


Seems as if being negative is a lot more easier than seeing the positive in life. It’s going to take A LOT of hard work and time to get out of this crappy situation, but i think it will be well worth it in the long run. I dont have any friends left in my life after highschool. If I need someone to talk to when I need, i go to either my mom or brother. Those are really the only 2 people in my life i can rely on.



Hey, my man. You are not in a good place right now. That’s okay. You just need time. I just wanted to let you know you are loved, this community is here with you and for you, and you are not alone to feel this way. Hang in there. Thank you for letting us know where you’re at.


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