Interesting video

Interesting video that I think many of you might find interesting and relatable :wink:


Throwing my two cents - I personally dislike this concept of some people being “empaths”, but I could rant a long time about it, haha. It is, in my opinion, something that is still deeply tied to the ego of someone even if it pretends not to be, but just disguised as something righteous. When you look in-depth into communities of “empaths”, people tend to fantasize an idea of self-sacrifice, which is just a lack of boundaries - and no that’s not heroic in any way to burn ourselves out for others. A “damaged empath” is just someone who needs to identify their own limits, and to listen to them, little by little, because their worth is not tied to the amount of help and understanding they give to others.

We all have more or less empathy and sympathy. Unless someone has been struggling with personality disorders like antisocial personality disorder, we are all able to put ourselves in the shoes of others and relate emotionally to some aspects of their experiences.

Again, just a very personal opinion about the topic that only engages myself.

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I agree to a certain extent but if we can call somebody who has no empathy a psychopath then calling somebody who is on the opposite side of the spectrum an empath is more of a simplification. Honestly empathy is not just a lack of boundaries. Its the fact that you can connect with people more. Empathic people also create boundaries sometimes even more than people with less empathy.

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Of course! I never implied that in my post. It was just related to the video and this idea of “damaged” empaths and something unhealthy that is often conveyed along the lines of othe concept of “empath” (not empathy). Every situation is possible - more or less empathy, more or less boundaries - for each individual as we all hold a different story and are just… uniquely ourselves! :blush:

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Yep. I think the ideas in the video are good but some of the wording is kind of unfortunate. Btw I kind of dislike comunities of the “Popular psychology” because its just psychology myths and half truths acumulated :grin:. Like there was this so called “psychology fact” floating around that if you think about somebody a lot they will do so too and they will start loving you… Like thats not a fact thats a stalker mindset!!!

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Like there was this so called “psychology fact” floating around that if you think about somebody a lot they will do so too and they will start loving you… Like thats not a fact thats a stalker mindset!!!

Your wording made me laugh. :hrtjakelul:

I mean, it’s part of belief systems, so it’s respectable as long as it makes sense to someone and is non-harmful. But, yes, not my thing either. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I am glad it made you laugh :slightly_smiling_face: Here is a cool video about it. Psychology Professor Debunks Misinformation on TikTok - YouTube


I’m so glad she put this video out. There is this TikTok thing going around where people are diagnosing themselves with BPD because they might have a trait or two.

I think I just need to move my hips more, honestly :rofl:

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