Is it normal to have suicidal thoughts on a daily

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
Is it normal to have suicidal thoughts on a daily basis for as far back as I can remember? Let’s say 35 years… I’d never do it but the thought lingers in my head on a daily basis for some reason. I’m not depressed or suffer from anxiety.


If it is an unexplained suicidal ideation it could be a chemical imbalance. Perhaps talk with a nutritionist about dietary changes? Also, talk to a counselor to help assist in recovery.

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Hey friend, I agree with firebourne, could be a chemical imbalance, but I’m by no means a psychiatrist I would most definitely speak with a professional. Be kind to yourself friend, if you ever need to talk heart support will always be here to listen!

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Welcome to HeartSupport! You ask a very good question that I am sure would usually get many, many widely different replies on depending who you are asking. Personally, I can only speak for myself and know that I have only ever had suicidal thoughts or ideation when I have been depressed. And it sucks. I can’t imagine having them on the daily, so I want to commend you on being so self-aware to even ask if that is normal or not. I know every single human being considers that question, “what if I killed myself?” - or “should I kill myself?” It IS normal, and sometimes based on guilt, shame, or just a what-if scenario we play out in our heads. I would agree with the previous responders though that even if you don’t feel depressed or anxious, having these lingering thoughts repeatedly is most likely due to some neurodivergence or imbalance; especially since I would imagine you don’t enjoy having them so often and I’m so glad you’ve never had any impulses to act on them. I had a genetic test done the last time I had a season of anxiety and depression, and my therapist asked them to run a specific folic acid metabolism deficiency test with the genetic testing, and sure enough, my body has that deficiency and I started taking folic acid supplements over the counter and within 2 days I felt 100% emotionally stable and 100% better overall physically as well. I know this is not the “easy fix” for everyone, but I was lucky in finding something so simple that was a chemical issue that really helped me understand that my treatment resistant depression was a chemical imbalance, and not just that I was “messed up”, or that “something was wrong with me”, or that “nobody else has these feelings, why should I?” So, long story short - thanks for reaching out. I am not a doctor or a psychotherapist, but I would highly recommend talking to both if you can find good ones and see what they think. Best of luck out there, and feel free to drop in and ask questions or ask for support anytime!