It actually happened

I really never thought i’d be writing this but i’m in a decent place. I was reviewing stuff from the last few months and i’ve been pretty good? Well, compared to how i was. I’d like to say a lot of it is from actually feeling cared for by people now. I feel cared for by my bestfriend and I am so grateful to have them in my life. They’re like the moon to me. My sister in law has also been really kind and supportive with everything i say or want to do and it’s nice. Reflecting on everything I used to think and being able to tell myself I was wrong is such a good feeling. I’m so happy to have met the few people that provide me with some happiness.


Feeling cared for makes such a big difference in our life. It gives a sense of purpose, of belonging, and connection. It’s so precious to have people in our life who feel like home to us. People we can be ourselves with. No filter, no mask to wear. Just us. :slight_smile:

It’s really awesome that you take the time to acknowledge and embrace your progress. Also to see what you have in your life and who is standing by your side during difficult times. Learning, moving on, being in a different place - emotionally speaking - is indeed such a good feeling. Keep it up, friend. Thank you for sharing. :hrtlegolove:

I’m happy you were able to make such progress, that’s so awesome! I am very proud of you. Keep it up and thanks for sharing!!

Also, is that Horimiya my eyes see?

it is horimiya your eyes see

aaaaaa i love horimiya!!! i’m such a iura kinnie lmao

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