It happened to me it happens to boys too it happen

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
It happened to me. It happens to boys too. It happened to my Father too. I really need help and I don’t know where to ask. I live in Louisiana and am currently unemployed though I have medicaid. I really need a therapist to talk to. If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Hi Friend,

Thank you for sharing with us and for speaking out about this. Abuse is something that does happen to both girls and boys and I am so sorry that this happened to you and your father. You are so brave for speaking out and for reaching out for help. I live in a different country but I did a Google search to try and find some potential resources that you can reach out to that might be in a better place to suggest ways you can find and connect with a therapist. I have added the links here:
Mental Health | United Way 211
About 988-updated | La Dept. of Health

I hope that this helps and that you are able to get in contact with a support system to help you unpack what has happened to you. I’m absolutely rooting for you and I hope the best for you as you go on this journey through this process. I hope that the person you find will be of so much help to you, because you deserve to receive the help that you need. I hope you are able to find healing and most of all that you are in a safer environment now. All the best, and feel free to reach out to HeartSupport at anytime if you want to talk any further. :white_heart:

Hello Friend, Thank you so very much for reaching out, it is so incredibly brave of you to do so and I am sure it wasnt an easy thing to do.
I want to say how very very sorry I am that something so dreadful happeded to both your father and you self. It is heartbreaking to think of anyone having to cope with such things. I hope you have been able to talk to someone about it so far but I completely understand why you would like to see a therapist. I have located a National website that could be of use to you, I am hoping it will give you some numbers that you can contact and get the support you and your dad want and need. Friend, you are in such a difficult place right now but be a support to dad and all others to also support you. You deserve all the help you can get. Much Love Lisa. x

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@@HeartSupport Thank you so much. Sadly, my Dad died in a car accident in 2011. None of my family knew what he had gone through. He had only very recently shared his story with my Mother right before he died. She only told me because she knew I needed to understand him to forgive some of the pain that his addictions and disorders had left us with. They divorced when I was 6. The same year I was abused by an older cousin. So it left a big hole in my heart that year. But understanding allowed me to forgive him for a lot of the anger I had towards him. I just never knew until he was gone.

@Lisalovesfeathers @Shan

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Hi Friend,

I’m sorry to hear that your dad passed. But, I am glad that he was able to open up to your mother about his experience and that she shared it with you and that it has allowed you to forgive him for a lot and let go of that anger you had towards him. The emotions that we have towards others really affects us personally so to be able to have somewhat of a release is a good thing. You have been through so much and you are such a fighter for holding on and trying to do what you can to seek help to work through your emotions and traumas. You are also strong for the work you have been able to do on your own so far in using what your mom told you to work on forgiving your father.

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