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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Monsters by Shinedown
It’s crazy how 45 years later, my monsters still find me. Even under the bed. Complex PTSD is a bad ass monster manifesting as hundreds of other bad ass monsters. We are life long warriors.
I am proud of you that you have been able to fight these monsters. To be a life long warrior is not something that anyone can do, I am very proud of you for being able to fight for yourself against complex PTSD, you are very brave my friend.
I know this battle is not easy, but you will be victorious. To feel like you cannot run from these monsters is terrifying and feels like there is no escape. Sometimes we we are unable to run, we have to fight. To experience of all our hurt and take our thoughts captive is far from easy, but it is not impossible.
When my struggles feel like they’re going to overtake me, I’ve found that the greatest source of healing and comfort for me has been talking about my monsters, both out loud to my loved ones and in prayer to God. Although our monsters belong to us, that does not mean that we have to fight them alone.
I want you to know that there is healing and peace in store for you that you will experience. You will not have to spend the rest of your life merely surviving, but spend it living.
Even when the world is falling around you, even on days where you can barely get out of bed, there will be some good in every day. There will be chances for the sun to shine through your window, for the breeze to blow on your face and for you to not have to fight, but be able to be present in the moment and experience joy.
I am praying for you and sending you much love, my friend. I am here for you, you do not have to fight this battle alone. Things will get better and you will find your peace. <3
45 years of an ongoing struggle is a huge monster to deal with. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to face the same demons day after day for so long. You really are a warrior. The fact that you are still here, still fighting, and refusing to give up proves that you are not defined by your struggles and that hope is more powerful than the monsters’ voices.
Thank you for sharing your story and for still being here. Your life is unique, precious, and irreplaceable, and I can’t tell you how happy I am that you remain here, enduring all that PTSD throws at you and refusing to surrender. I believe that you were created for a purpose and that you are deserving of joy and hope regardless of how threatening your monsters may seem. They can be so terrifying and powerful at times, but you are not less of a person because of them and your fortitude over the last 45 years proves just that.
And no matter how long this fight may last, I want you to know that you were not created to suffer alone. We all struggle, we are all life long warriors fighting something, and I believe that you are loved eternally regardless of what your situation looks like. Those monsters can never devalue you, they can never take away what makes you so special and deserving of eternal love. I want you to know that wherever this message finds you, you are loved so much more than you could know. When the beasts of discouragement seek to destroy you, cling to the hope that says you are loved deeply and you deserve the gift of life. Thank you for sharing, friend. You are not alone, ever.