It's kinda weird that I'm still working

So I’m not sure what to put here today, because I was supposed to have a good time tonight, I went out with friends, I met new people, but it was like nobody I talked to cared enough about me to know that I cared about them. I recognize that I am not the perfect fit for everyone, but it would be nice to be acknowledged.

I just feel that I try so hard, and at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. I’m trying to post something here because I wanted to avoid hurting myself. And this post is actually helping, whether someone else notices or not


I’m sorry to hear you didn’t have a good night. It’s tough to feel avoided by people you care about. But it’s their loss.
Hoping things improve for you and hoping you’ve avoided self harm.


Hi @MossBro333,

Thank you for being here. :heart:

I hope writing this message actually helped you at the moment and I’m glad you decided to come here. I hope you also managed to not harm yourself.

I’m sorry for your night. It’s not always easy to communicate about that kind of feeling. Maybe the context there was not ideal (external distractions, number of people there…). And I don’t know about your relationships with your friends or people you met, but I dare hoping there is at least someone in your life who sincerely cares and is able to let you know it.

Maybe, if the situation happen again, you can try to focus on just enjoying the moment you’re spending with your friends, even if it can feel a bit superficial. :wink: I understand the need of having “deep” friendships, especially when we’re struggling or feeling alone. But people who love you will be here for you, and you won’t necessarily need proofs or particular actions to know it. Sometimes it’s even beyond words but our own expectations are different. And if your relationships right now are not based on a certain reciprocity, then you’ll met other persons over time. People who will be aware of the chance thet have to know you and to be part of your life.

You are not alone. And you matter. Whatever your feelings or whatever people do and say, this is a truth that will never change.

Take care. :heart:

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Thanks eyeless, it’s kinda weird but I feel we both go out of our way for the other, it’s nice to know that you’ll hear me, and I’ll hear you

I hope you are doing ok :heart:

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Its hard to enjoy the moment when they chose to walk away, they say they just wanted a different atmosphere and I know I didn’t do anything wrong but it still doesn’t help any,

Maybe I will try to just realize to enjoy it next time, it’s a more relaxed stress free approach and I like it, thank you for your words :heart:

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I’m always here to listen. And I hope you’re having a better day today (: Feel free to reach out to me anytime.

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