Ive been dealing with it for a while now and it ju

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to BLACK by PearlJam
I’ve been dealing with it for a while now and it just feels like it isn’t going to end. I have to make excuses every day on why I should continue on. Some days it seems like it is getting better then it will just get bad again. I keep thinking it will get better but it doesn’t.

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Hey there friend!
I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling for so long, but please do not feel hopeless!!
This song speaks of the narrator’s world crumbling, and them desperately trying to hold it together.
This can be such a relatable feeling, that your world is collapsing and either not wanting to let go or wanting to go down with it.
I used to struggle so much with these feelings, and I’d wonder how I’d live on if this did happen. But trust me, this occasion can be the start of something incredible. Like a phoenix rising from its ashes, there is always room to carry on when things seem like they’re at the end. It can be so difficult to find the path you need to take in this time of rebirth, but it is not impossible. These paths can come in so many forms. For me it was very long and winding, but it wound up leading me to an incredible community that I spend time with every week, and every time I feel like my world is collapsing, they’re right there helping me piece it back together.
Never stop searching for your path, friend. You and your life have value!! I will be praying for you.

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Hello, thank you for reaching out, that is not an easy thing to do. I appreciate your courage to open up.

Worrying is such a heavy burden that many of us struggle with. What stress will tomorrow bring, what struggles will I have to go through, and the list goes on. This leaves us feeling hopeless and questioning the point of going on.

Worrying about tomorrow makes us lose focus on where we are now. Focusing on the present is a hard trait that took me a very long time to learn. I encourage you to be present in today and experience the beauty that life brings you here and now. You are so strong my friend, you do not carry this weight alone.

Keep persevering, we are always here for you. Never hesitate to reach out :slightly_smiling_face: