Ive learned the hard way the wrong people can shov

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Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/38171
I’ve learned the hard way the wrong people can shove you further into you void.

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Hi Friend, Thank you for your post. I am so sorry that you have experienced some things in life that have shown you that there are some unpleasant people out there, I think we all would like to avoid that but the fact that you can look back and see what has happened shows how you have grown and with that hopefully no one will be able to do that to you again. You are worthy of nothing less. Lisa x

Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/38171
“I’ve learned the hard way the wrong people can shove you further into you void”

The school of hard knocks gives you lessons that will never be forgotten, I am head of the class there. Maybe you have also learned that the right people can pull you out and help lift you up. That’s my hope for you. You deserve good people in your life to help more than they hurt you. Thank you for reaching out on HeartSupport.

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Goodness yes. There are connections that end up being negative for ourselves in the way it makes us see ourselves and the world around us. Not everyone is equipped to listen or to demonstrate empathy, and shit can become real very quickly once the relationship is highly personal. I’m really sorry that you had to deal with this kind of experience. We’ve certainly all experienced this at least once in our life, under different circumstances and to different extents, but that doesn’t make it less lonely once you’re the one facing this situation. There are definitely people we may wish we never crossed path with, for the impact it had on our life has made everything worse… it’s hard to not ask ourselves how life could have been if we never met them? Just painful to think about opportunities lost.

It’s also hard to find some sense of closure and peace when the pain feels so raw and overly present, even when the relationship has come to an end a long tie ago. I know for me finding peace and letting go of resentment has always been a piece of the puzzle that was hard to find. I’m not sure to be there yet, although it has definitely shaken my ability to trust others. Now it takes more time and it feels like being on “high alert” way more often. It makes you reconsider how you care and how you accept love/care/affection into your life as a whole.

I don’t know what were the people you had such painful experience with, but I do hope with all my heart that you are now in a much safer place. You were never wrong for being you, under any circumstance. If anyone demonstrated unkindness, abandonment or lack of empathy towards you, it was their responsibility, but never a reflection of your worth. You matter very much - you always did, and you will always do.

Thank you so much for speaking your heart here. If you would like to share more at some point, feel free to do so. Your story is important, and so is your voice. Hold Fast. :heart: