Job searching in between depression and burnout

Weekly Update! (two days late)
Resumes: 0
Interviews: 1 practice, 1 on-site
Contacts: 3
Hours: 16.5
Education: 0
Service: 4

I think my interview for last week’s entry level position went alright, and it’s possible that I could start on in a higher position. I haven’t heard back yet, so I plan to check in with them tomorrow.

I guess I went into burnout after the interview, and I only required myself to attend my scheduled meetings. Why is it so hard to transition out of burnout?

Anyway the service for PhDs to get hired that I signed up for had a week of covering the basics of transitioning from academia to industry. I have an idea of what areas to improve for my job search, and I have a mentor to guide me through the process so hopefully that helps with my executive dysfunction. I am behind in the tasks she assigned me, so hopefully I can catch up before our next meeting tomorrow.

I also had an informational interview on Tuesday (that I’ll count in next week’s metrics). It was with a small business; they don’t currently have openings, but I learned about their energy solutions.

For the next seven days, I want:
Resumes: 2
Interviews: 1
Contacts: 5
Hours: 9
Education: 3
Service: 5


Tromboness, your perseverance and determination are amazing. You are truly working your plan and still increasing your knowledge base. I don’t doubt you are struggling with some burnout with the intensity with which you are pursuing your goals here. Please be sure to take really good care of you. “Down time” is really necessary to regroup and recoup - especially when executive dysfunction is rearing it’s painful head. My friend, I know this has been a long hard slog and it’s an ongoing battle. So when is the last time you really took some serious down time away from the grind of all of this for a few days? Again, take really good and gentle care of you. You are amazing.

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I can only echo the lovely words of @Mamadien here. You got this, @tromboness. Your journey is so very inspiring. Thank you for sharing and sharing updates about your journey so far. I’m rooting for you. :hrtlegolove:

Hey Tromboness! :smiling_face:

Absolutely phenomenal action plan! What a lot of work you have put into this! Well done :clap:t2:

Just a few of my suggestions on how you can break-down your plan even further:

  • When you say you want a local job, how local are you talking? Just a thought for you
  • You have said your goal is to get a job with a decent enough pay. What is your ideal salary that you would want to work for?

As for daily job hunting, I’d advise against this. Give yourself some slack and enjoy life before it gets too busy! Self-care and basic needs should be met first before you do any kind of job hunting. I would suggest that whilst you have an Employment Action Plan, you also have a Self-Care or basic needs action plan.

You are doing so well in your progress to achieve this action plan! Keep up the good work! :heart:

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So last week I was just burnt out. It looks like that I won’t be making my initial timeline of getting that job by this month. I did sign up to work with a tutoring service for the time being. I might also see about signing up as a consultant through other websites. Hoping I can make enough money to keep up with my bills.

There are things recommended by the PhD level job search mentoring that I need to do to rework my resume and LinkedIn profile. Guess I’m still too exhausted to get that done.

@EvilGenius There are 3-4 counties in my state that I’m mostly looking at that would keep me near the area that I have my dance events. I would also like a job that pays about the same as my last full-time job.

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It’s been a while since my last update. I guess my burnout morphed into depression. I’ve been seeing a new therapist for about a month that has experience working with autistic individuals and also has a background in vocational rehab. I’ve been slowly getting more productive, but I still have that thought that I’m incapable of doing all the things I need to do to bukd the life I want. I have a psychiatrist appointment coming up in just over a week, so we’ll see if medication would help.

Luckily, one of my networking contacts was able to give me some part-time work with his research small business. There was a mental block on getting started on the first assignment, but I am slowly getting things done here too. It won’t be covering all my expenses right now, but it definitely helps. If their projects turn profitable, I could be changed to full-time.

I am still in the job search. This week, I’ve applied to two positions. One, I was able to have someone I know that currently works for the company to send my functional resume directly to the hiring manager. The other was referred to me by another contact, and I let him know I was able to complete the application. One of my friends also gave me a heads up on possible job openings with the state department.


Thinking of you @tromboness. Hope you hang in there in this process. <3

It has been a struggle keeping up with self-care while not being successful in being productive. Last night I offloaded the game apps on my iPad so I don’t spend so much wasted time.

I’ve been trying to focus on the part-time work. Also, the online tutoring finally finished, and I’ve working with students for some extra money too. Those should help, but I’m still worried that I won’t be able to keep up with my bills.

With those, I haven’t had much focus left for continuing the job search. I’ll see what I can do next week. Today and tomorrow I need to focus on chores because I’m having people over this weekend.