Just floating through life with no purpose

So this is new for me, but lately I’ve just been feeling like I just dont care about anything. Like I try to get excited for all the stuff I have going for me but at the end of the day I just feel empty. Just tired of feeling like this.



Thanks for taking the time and energy to let us know a bit about you. It takes effort and the willingness to be vulnerable. How’d you hear about the Heart Support wall? Do you have a counselor or are you part of a support group? HS says Isolation isn’t safe. You’re not alone here. Others will reply to your post, too.

Take care~

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Hi Bigbear
Welcome to heartsupport :slightly_smiling_face:. Don’t feel nervous we are trying to make this space as safe as possible so don’t worry about being new here we are trying to make this space as safe as possible. The thing you are experiencing is called anhedonia and it is defined as the lack of the capability to feel joy and excitement. I have been experiencing it too more then I would like. I am sorry you are experiencing it to. Here is a video about it that I find quite educational. I hope it helps you understand it better :slightly_smiling_face: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EtphOKEOHaI&t=8s

Hey @Bigbear,

Welcome to HeartSupport and thank you so much for reaching out today. Your vulnerability is valued and, hopefully, a first step towards positive connections for you.

I hear your exhaustion and I’m so very sorry that you have been dealing with this. It’s so hard to feel like the things that used to bring us joy and excitement before just feel empty and pointless now. You try to put the little bit of energy you got to feel this little spark again but nothing seems to make a difference. I have personally been struggling with this quite a lot lately. For me, it is associated as a symptom of a clinical depression, and this vicious cycle surely feels heavy at times. Your mind wants something new, something different, but it feels like walking through this constant “meh” mood. And if there’s no excitement, what’s the point of even trying anymore?

I don’t know if you’ve been struggling for a long time with this or if you ever talked about it with a doctor, but if not I can only recommend you to do so. Boredom is an experience that we are all meant to know, but if it tends to stick over time and make you feel empty, demotivated, then it’s likely to affect your life negatively while you deserve to be helped and supported just as you need.

For some of us, finding this little spark again and more largely our purpose in life can be a pretty tumultuous journey. I hope you know that nothing in this situation makes you less than anyone else though, and that even though it is hard to feel something positive out of it, there is hope, and you are not alone.

I believe in you. :hrtlegolove:

Hey, just checking in with you. Seeing how you’re going and if you’ve been still struggling with these feelings?
Hoping you’ve been able to find a little time for yourself over the last few days

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Hey sorry it’s taken a minute to respond. Not the most comfortable with opening up like this. I have been doing better. There’s times when it just comes in waves. But talking to friends has helped a lot and keeping myself busy is also helping. Thank you for all the support and kind words. It really means alot


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