Just something i just realised. Tw for topics

Last year I set a time. My life needed to become better by , if it wasn’t I would stop trying. I also wasn’t allowed to step out before that day, I had to honestly try.
It was a year from hell. People who I cared about passed, I stopped making music for a while, became even more depressed than before, relapsed with self harm many times. But I wasn’t allowed yet to give up. I couldn’t wait for the day to get here, but I also had to keep going to therapy. I starter to get in contact with others again. Tried to set goals, fail, and do it again. And the stupid thing is… I did end up growing… I’m masking music again. I’m juggling some things again, but I feel that I’m more in control now. And remember that deal that I made with myself? The date I was allowed to give up? That day was over a month ago and I only just remembered. I don’t know what the future holds, but at least there is one…


This makes me so happy to hear! It is so hard in the moment to believe things get better, but it’s such a great feeling when you can look back and see how much you have grown. Im proud of you! Keep up the good work, you are not alone!

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Thank you for saying that! I kinda needed to hear that :pray::sparkling_heart:

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You are also strong. You persevered and continue to do so. You get knocked down. Then you get up. This builds character. The character of a survivor. Whether you write music about this or not I suspect there is quiet music in your soul. Keep us posted on what comes next for you!!

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This is incredible to hear. Isn’t that an amazing thing to start finally feeling in control, and when a hopeful future actually starts to present itself? I am proud of you for pushing through, even through the hardest parts when it felt like failure. You kept trying, you drew from your strength, and you refused to give up. Amazing :hrtlegolove: keep going! I am rooting for you!

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