Life feels hopeless

Hi all.

I’ve been feeling really hopeless today. I’ve just been thinking, what is the real point to all of this? Lately i’ve been feeling really off, not sure what I’m doing with my life. I’m worried about passing classes, worried about getting a job one day and having enough money to live, worried about climate change, worried about my parents passing away…worried about being lonely…worried about everything. Life is hard. I try to be more in the present and be grateful for what’s here and now and not in the future, but it’s hard when my present feels like crap, too. I have things I should be happy for/about but I…don’t. I usually love the Christmas season and this year I couldn’t care less.

I keep thinking what’s the point to living when i could just not be alive and not have to deal with all of the things I worry about? You don’t have to feel hopeless, anxious, tired, scared if you’re not alive anymore.

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Hey GuitarSeal,

I can relate to so much of this…feeling like your thoughts build and build and build and all of a sudden they form these insurmountable walls that seem to imprison you in this depressing, hopeless place…it freaking sucks, man.

As I was reading your post, I thought about this bit from Casey that I think would be really helpful to check out, if you haven’t seen it yet:

It’s very simple, which is what I love about it…the concept of putting your thoughts and worries on paper and sorting them into what you can and can’t do something about…it’s seeing what you’re wasting your anxiety on and what you can actually deal with…when I’m feeling overwhelmed by those thoughts and it feels like the walls are caving in, this is something I like to do to breathe through the anxiety.

Hope this helps, friend :slight_smile:


Hi friend.

I certainly can understand worrying and being anxious about the future and everything around it. I do that too.

Something I learned is that it is so important to stop ourselves from worrying so much. Because we will literally drive ourselves crazy if we dwell on all of these things. Especially when so many of the things we are worrying about isn’t something we can control in the moment.

So I have to tell myself to worry about the things I can control NOW. Do what I can now. The rest, try not to over think it. We can only control what we can control.

Focus on your classes. Studying. Getting a good nights rest. Eating. Getting out and getting some fresh air once in a while. Make time for friends. Do the things that make you happy and you feel passionate about.

Be gentle with yourself friend. Maybe find some meditation videos to watch and listen to. To help bring a sense of calm and peace. Listen to some good music. Anything that will help ease some of this anxiety.

Heart Support has a lot of resources available for us to use. Maybe something here could help you. Or maybe just joining us on discord and connecting with other people around the community. Maybe this could also help.

Much love friend. Hold tight.