Loneliness/Will I be single forever?

Sometimes I just feel like no one wants me, I know I have so much to offer and it just feels like that’s not enough. Dealing with severe anxiety just makes it worse. Especially when you put yourself out there and you’re rejected. It sucks that I’m too afraid to even approach someone or go out to even have that possibility. I wish I was more confident and bold. I wish that someone would see me, really see me and maybe approach me and want to get to know me. I want love so bad it hurts. Then I think about having bipolar, anxiety, binge eating and major depressive disorder and thinking who would want someone with all that. It hurts being lonely when you’re ready to love someone and you feel it’ll never be reciprocated. It’s the worst when everyone around you is in relationships or aren’t social awkward when it comes to dating. I’m scared to even talk to people because I might say something wrong. I don’t know, it just makes me extremely sad and I pray about it. I pray god will send someone made just for me but it’s just hard waiting when you know in your heart you’re ready you’re just so afraid because anxiety is holding you back.


He will find you. I wanted a soulmate some who loves me for me and who I love. I was 21 but I met him when I was 36. I will find you the holy grail by enya is a good song when you are feeling lonely it’s on Spotify and YouTube.

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Thank you so much for this! Means a lot!

You are uniquely you! You are right that you do have lots of potentials and if someone does not recognize this then that is their loss. There are a lot of people in this world with bad intentions, so at least you are skipping over some fake friends and relationships. If someone is willing to make an effort for a friendship they are more likely to be worth your time in the long run. If you are being friendly and nice to others then just know you are doing your best, and let God handle the rest. Lord willing, relationships were someone appreciates you are coming your way, so do not worry! Also, I wanted to share with you that God sees you and loves you for who you are. During waiting periods in our life, we can develop our character and focus more on God. Every human you are going to meet is going to be flawed in their love, but only Jesus can give you the true love that it seems that you are wanting and waiting for in your life. I personally have done this before but I strongly recommend continuing to ask God to help you to feel his love and presence in your life. I love that you are praying to God about all of this! I will also say a prayer for you that God helps you with your anxiety, relationship fears, and leads you to the right person. If God’s hands are in your relationship, trust me your anxiety, or the fear of saying something wrong, will not stop the person from coming to you in relationships. The door that God opens in our life, no man can shut! The funny thing was before I answered this message, I read this scripture, Isaiah 64:4 God " acts on behalf of the one who waits on him". God’s timing is perfect and much better than we can expect. I don’t know why, but I love recommending songs, not so long ago I listened to the song This me by the greatest showman cast.

You are loved by Jesus and you can always talk with him :slight_smile:


Thank you for your response, I feel like that was something I much needed to hear!

it’s just hard waiting when you know in your heart you’re ready you’re just so afraid because anxiety is holding you back.

That’s exactly how anxiety feels for me. It sucks. It’s frustrating. It’s hearbreaking. I can’t count the amount of time when I missed opportunities to talk, to do something I like and to just… live. It holds me back. It’s indeed a real burden. And another frustrating aspect is that it’s not visible to others. Some days it’s really defeating. It feels like a strong wall that it’s impossible to overcome.

But it is possible to progress on this matter and live with anxiety. I read on an other post of you that you’re currently on therapy. That’s really good. It’s important to be able to work on your mental health in a safe space.

I wish I was more confident and bold. I wish that someone would see me, really see me and maybe approach me and want to get to know me. I want love so bad it hurts.

I hear you. But I can assure you that even if you’re not as confident as you"d likeright now, love can still happen unexpectedly. I’m not saying this to cheer you up with fake assumptions and some over-optimism. But I struggle with severe anxiety, depression, I had my own battle with eating disorders and traumas. Yet I met someone almost 10 years ago now who became my partner. We had our ups and downs, but we’re still together and we still love each other. Yet I’m not the easiest partner. I had my own demons, and deep struggles to work on. And so does he. But we keep growing together. And that’s what actually love is about. It goes beyond our inner struggles and pain.

Before I met him I was in the same pain and mindset as you. Somehow, I think I even gave up on the idea of finding my love one day. Yet it happened. Despite the effects of depression and despite all the anxiety I was struggling with.

Your mental health, the diagnosis you received, are part of who you are. But it doesn’t define you. And it absolutely doesn’t define your worth as a unique human being. You’ll meet someone one day who’ll see you and your heart, and not just your struggles. They will love you as you are, and not as how you could be. Until then, it’s okay to feel scared, anxious, to be crippled by doubts sometimes. And it’s okay to say it. Keep trying, friend. Keep sharing what’s in your mind, keep stepping out of your own comfort zone. But do it progressively, step by step.


Sending love your way. :hrtlegolove: Be gentle with yourself, friend. We never know how tomorrow is going to be.

You are loved. And I believe in you.


Thank you so much! Reading this made me smile! It’s nice to know that I’m not alone in my struggles. I appreciate all the love and wise words more than you’ll ever know!

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I wanted to start a new thread on what i am dealing with currently, and came across this thread and im not here to hijack it. but you have no idea how your response hit my heart and triggered a lot of emotions while reading it. you my friend have inspired me to keep on hoping for my “one” and to keep on praying for the perfect love that only God our Father can provide. all wonderful things we experience in life is found through Him and i believe a healthy, strong, loving relationship with another being, is one of God’s greatest blessing, not matter how long I, or Kate6 (original thread starter) or any one else reading this has to wait.
Thank you again my friend, i have felt a great pressure and weight all of sudden get lifted off my shoulders that i was holding on to cos i felt near the same as Kate6 feels/felt

God bless you!


Hey Mico
I know this is an old thread and my response to you is perhaps outdated, but i came to this thread cos i felt 95-100% the same way as Kate6 was feeling. and i want to just say reading your reply brought several tears to my eyes… thats how much your reply meant to me (even tho it was not for me)
you speak a lot of truth, something ive felt difficulting understanding and accepting. im a flawed individual, as are we all, and i beat myself up alot over it and constantly tell myself that i will never find love again or be loved by another…but its your words that have given me a reason to keep on praying, hoping and believeing in can happen one day.

ive copied and pasted your reply on my computer and want to print it and keep it close by me where i can always look at it and remind myself of this hope you have inspired me to hold on to.

Thank you kind and caring stranger for your words
you may have no idea how much they have meant to someone like me




i am aware this is an old post and not sure if these feelings of yours have changed somewhat, i pray they have for the better tho.
im replying to you now cos i logged into Heart Support a few hours ago and came across this post as it summed up how im feeling right now.
reading your post, gave me chills becos i related to what you were saying on so many levels.
the points of being afraid to approach someone, or wishing someone would see me/you for who i really am and what i can offer, and the feeling of just wanting to love someone so bad, all things that im currently going through now. im a divorced 32yr single parent and havent dated or been emotionally connected to someone for close to 6yrs now. i dont have a social circle or friends to call up and hang out with. i live alone and falling asleep at night has become somewhat impossible as its the time i overthink about alot of things. im a Christian man and pray and spend time in God’s holy word often, but of late, i feeling dealing with this emotional rollercoaster im on right now has left me feeling really empty and although ive prayed for someone to come along in my life to just value me…ive somehow stopped praying for it, as of tho ive accepted that it wont happen… which is wrong i know :frowning:

cos as you said in the last 2 lines of your post, i feel i am ready to love again and be loved, but as you rightfully said, it feels like something is holding you back and i agree 100%, i blame myself for missed oppertunities ive had to just say “hi” to someone i find attractive, as if God was tee-ing me up for me to hit the ball out the park and connect with this someone…but i end up swinging and missing cos i lacked confidence to just say one word.

ive sent replies to the other members that responed to you in this post, as their replies helped me out alot in fine-tuning my thinking patterns. i hope they have too in you case.
if you still in a difficult place, i would be happy to chat and share thoughts, as i said im kinda in the same place now (just 2 months later)

Keep Smiling


Hi! no worries, sometimes I see old posts that I relate to as well. I know it can be hard, I try not to think about it as much because it just puts me in a sad mood so I try My hardest to focus on the positive and just keep praying and know that God will put the right person in my life when the time is right and I’m ready. I just try to stay hopeful and keep my faith in God. I try to remember what my pastor says about things we pray for, “God isn’t saying no, just not right now” I hope this helps some. Hang in there. Good things come to those that wait and I know waiting can be a bit difficult but I just try to keep my faith and hope.


Thank you for your kind and inspiring words. you are absolutely right in what you say. im very good at distracting myself from feeling like this, but i feel its also good to perhaps “feel” your emotions and understand the vulnerability it brings.
an ya, it is my Faith in God that has keep me going all these years, i spent a good 2 years after my breakup with my ex-wife, rebounding alot to try fill a void that it left in my heart, but i got myself further and further down the “rabbit hole” in terms of emotional emptiness, as i was looking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places.
but i have been spending a lot more time in the Word and prayer and yes i do at times (like now) spiral down this pit of self-pity and depression at the thought of being lonely…

im gratful i logged on to this platform a few nights ago just to read and hear what people were feeling and encouraging others, and i have felt a bit better today for it.

anyways. thank you again for your response
i pray that your strong faith is unshakeable during tough times and that you keep holding onto that hope…as will I :slight_smile:

keep smiling


I have no words, @Ash777. Your message goes straight to my heart. It brought me to tears as well - grateful tears. It just came to me as a huge wave of kindness. Thank you.

I also feel the weight on your shoulders. But now you know that this burden doesn’t have to be carried alone. We’re in this with you. By your side. As you said, we’re all flawed individuals. It doesn’t solve everything, but there’s some comfort in realizing this. You are not alone, friend. Not now, not ever.

Take your time to heal. Take your time to progress. And if some days you don’t have hope for yourself, know that I do.

Thank you for sharing these parts of your soul. Thank you for your time and kindness.

I hope you @Ash777 and @Kate6 are having a great day. If you didn’t know about it yet, maybe hanging out with the community on the Discord server and Twitch streams (when it’s live) could be uplifting from time to time. Especially with all the 2020/quarantine/apocalypse craziness we’re all going through this year! Feel free to join and say hi, it would be really awesome to see you there as well : twitch.tv/heartsupport - https://discord.gg/rEfeha

Sending lots of love and virtual hugs. :slight_smile: :hrtlegolove: