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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Judith by A Perfect Circle
Lost my father at 15 to suicide lost my mother too she couldn’t handle it the grief and pain lost her later in life to a heart attack lost my sister to cancer it really tests your faith in something and you ask why so I understand this anger I have experienced it first hand time and time again but I’m still here still trying but it makes it hard so hard
Hey, I’m so sorry to hear about all the loss in your life. Losing your father, mother, and sister cannot be easy. I don’t know if we can truly ever understand why things happen, but the anger and frustration are normal. And if you can’t find faith in the thing you have always believed, you can find faith in something else.
You are doing great still being here. There are people that care about you and there are things that will make life living for, even if they are hard to see right now. If you are ever needing to talk there are people here for you.
Your story of tragedy is sad and I am sorry you had to endure that, time and time again. I try to focus on the impact left behind by the loved one lost. What did I gain from them during our time together? It’s another piece of the puzzle of life ! Easier said than done, I know but you are still here, so you are tough ! You got this !