Maty Madiro from From Ashes to New - Interview on Loneliness 10/10/22

I have the same feelings right now… It’s like I’m not going anywhere… like I don’t have a purpose in life… your music REALLY helps so much :raised_hands::heart: Thank you - Gracias… love you - Rohayhu :heart_eyes:

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Single mother of 3. I still feel alone almost 90% of the time. They got their own stuff. I go to my job and being around customers lifts my spirits. And I work at a liquor store. But I don’t think of it that way. I talk to a lot of people that just want someone to listen to them. That’s my purpose as your touring around so many fans is yours. Idk what I can do to make you feel better. All I know is life is worth it even when you feel lost and alone. I have been writing a lot of poetry, working out, and listening to alot of music. It helps bring that light back into the darkness. Hope things get easier for ya. Behind ya and thanks for sharing @matmadiro :yellow_heart:

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Your not alone! :raised_hands:========

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I lost my best friend, my Dad, May 22, 2023. The emptiness, depression, loneliness, and the immense absence in my life is a battle I wake up to every day. My three sons help me every day but it’s not the same. I lost my person. So please know you’re never alone. :heart: You do have purpose even during the darkest times. If you ever get too lonely, come visit Rapid City. I’d take care of ya! :wink:

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I relate to this :face_holding_back_tears: it’s ok to question our purpose but we definitely have one and everyone’s is unique. :heart:

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This is the weirdest way to ask me to be your girlfriend but yes :eyes:

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Sending a hug :heart: I feel the same sometimes.

Beingnin silence is hard, the more you are in silence the louder your thoughts are… it is a hard one :heart: x

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@heartsupport I feel the same way every day! I hate feeling alone! My depression is so deep and when I listen to music or go out to concerts I feel the relief sometimes. But I’m in the same boat as you are! :black_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

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Not being with my friends, or being asked to hang out with them, or being separated from my family is my “on the road”. Wow. What a way to put that into perspective @matmadiro :clap:t3:. I enjoy the me time but crave the social. Thanks @heartsupport

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@heartsupport I know what it’s like, all my friends are married or have a boyfriend/girlfriend I go to church but I feel alone there, I’m home but I feel alone there even though I take care of my mkm

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@heartsupport the feeling I know all too well I usually play music watch some movies just to keep my mind going. I hope you can find the comfort not to feel #lonely. It can be hard especially not having no one to talk too be strong buddy we are here for support. @matmadiro

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Said it so surreal, thank you @heartsupport @matmadiro

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@heartsupport I used to hate being alone just like you. I feel like the world has abandoned me. And now, I’ve learned to enjoy being alone. Sometimes we don’t have to please others, we need to be true to the people who like us. What we need is to be ourselves. Few people in this world can accompany you to the end. So only if you have a strong heart can you overcome everything. Don’t be sad because you are lonely. Nothing is absolute. Maybe our people are still on their way, and we need to keep moving to meet them. So now enjoy your time alone, put away all your fears and face the new day. When you look up at the sky, close your eyes and feel the city. For we are still with you.

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@heartsupport I can relate to this :100::100::100:. There’s some things I do wanna add though. These past couple months I haven’t been working as much. My husband has been working a lot though. The amount of stress and anxiety when I’m home and he’s at work strains on me. It then leads to a lot of self guilt, and I get down on myself a lot when he’s home. He always tries to reassure me that everything’s OK, I’m not falling apart, etc. I’ll have to admit that I keep telling myself that even when he tries to reassure me otherwise. It’s nothing he did, it’s just that I become a hard person to reassure when my stress level becomes strenuous.

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I needed to hear this :white_heart: you’re fuking awesome :metal:

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Thank you I needed to hear this as well. Both of my parents just died within the last two years 10 months apart, so I know that pit feeling in your stomach that you’re talking about and I feel it quite often, having dealt with depression, my whole life it doesn’t get any easier and I feel that loneliness and your exact words of whats my purpose sometimes. Some days are better than others and some suck so bad but you just have to push forward. I just heard about you guys about four months ago, but i’ve instantly become hooked, your music has helped me more than you guys will ever know! :peace_symbol::heart_decoration::ok_hand:

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