Medical /

So a few weeks ago i had en endoscopy done because i had sudden acid reflux that started a year ago and everything was normal with that besides a bit of inflammation. My doctor also had me get an ultrasound of my entire abdomen and she said that I have a mass on my liver. I’m scared. I’m only 17, it can’t be anything really bad, right? Nobody else seems worried about it besides me so maybe i’m overreacting. It’s probably benign considering i’ve never had any symptoms regarding my liver but i’m still just scared. I messaged my friend about it but i’m worried i’m just being a bother to him too and i’m just overreacting. I still have time to delete it… maybe i should. I mean if it is malignant then what’ll i do?? I’ve never even had irl friends. I’ve never done anything all that fun. The only thing i even want to do in life before i die is be loved. I won’t be able to do that. I’m just scared…


It is ok just calm down and breath. It is ok to be worried about your health but it is pointless to worry if you dont know the answer. It might be serious but it might not. In your age the body does a lot of weird stuff that is strange but not dangerous. It might be just that. If it makes you more comfortable write about it to your friend. They will support you that is what friends are for. Or you might simply ask your doctor if he/she thinks it is serious or not. It is better to know than to stress about it.
I wish you good luck


I’m sorry you’re going through this and I’m sorry you feel stressed about it right now. Being afraid sucks and it can consume us for forever.
Whatever it is, if there is something truly wrong your doctor will tell you, if not then just let it go but remmember it’s there so you’ll know what it is when something happens. I hear you on the wishes, but you’ve got a whole life ahead of you, try to just tear down those fears and enjoy what makes you happy. If your friend truly is a friend then they will be happy you told them and worry for you. That’s something not alot of people get the pleasure to have in another person…
I hope all those wishes of yours will come true, please remember you’re safe ^~^


From: theladywho (Discord)

Hi echo, I’m so sorry you are going through this, medical issues can be really stressful. The good thing is that it is being found now. I’m sure you have lots of questions and worries about it still. Maybe a good start to work through this is on your next appointment come prepared with some of those questions so that you can ask the doctors. Your feelings are totally valid and I just want you to know that you are not alone, if you need someone to talk to about it I know the good folks on here are happy to chat with you. I don’t think you are a bother at all and it’s a good idea to connect with friends and family for support in person too.


Hey! You clearly have a lot going on having to both manage your physical and mental health. You’ve got these acid reflux problems (which I relate heavily to, it sucks!) and these fears of the mass on your liver being something super worrying but at the same time you need to also recognize that you’re showing no symptoms, you’re still very young, and you’ve got plenty of time and fight in you. I’d suggest writing down your thoughts surround this whole situation. Write down your fears, and your successes, and your hopes, and wishes. I’d work on figuring out what you want from life and what steps you’ll need to take in order to get there. Wishing you positive news, peace, comfort, and happiness.


hey @echo ,

as someone who’s walked a similar journey as you in regards to the testing, the anxiety it brings, and unexpected results, you are far from alone. so i hope you can trust me when i say that you are not overreacting. this is your body and you’re doing all you can to take care of it to the best of your ability.

whenever i feel fear as i wait for answers and test results, i put my trust in the doctor’s hands. there’s not much we can do as the patient and the anxiety will only cause more harm than good to the body. so my ask for you is to take care of yourself and hold onto hope that you have an amazing future ahead of you. whether your doctors catch it early or the results come out to be something that can easily be removed, you are going to be okay. you will be in my thoughts and heart as you continue to wait for answers from the doctor for the liver mass.

you are so loved, so valued, and so cared for. i am sending you all the healing vibes i am able to offer and i know your team of doctors will help guide you to the answers and next steps you need to claim your future as your own.



I ended up deleting what I said to my friend but he asked what it was and I told him but he didn’t seem to care. Didn’t really expect him to. It is what it is i guess

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I want you to know that it is okay to be scared because it is completely valid & understandable all of the things that you are feeling right now. But also know that life can be extremely beautiful, and I truly believe that you have so much to give to the world and all of the people that you will meet.

Take everything, one moment at a time. When you feel overwhelmed or feel like you are overreacting, take a moment and center yourself with some deep breaths. Find something in each day that helps with those feelings. I believe in you. You are so strong for coming on here and allowing people to support you in this season of life. :yellow_heart:


MRI was good but I still need blood work done ^


almost forgot to update. not that anybody probably even really remembered but my blood work came back good as well. officially diagnosed lactose intolerant too!! lol. my vitamin d was really low at 11 so i have a prescription for that now but that’s about it. have to go back in i think six months for another mri just to make? or maybe i’m confused my sister with myself?? idk. i know i have to go back in four months to check my vitamin d again though. but the lesions on my liver were from it trying to regenerate itself apparently. there’s a lengthy medical term for it but i forgot it’s name and didn’t know how to spell it or even say it to be able to google it.


Hey @echo,

Thank you so much for the updates. These are some really good news! Well, not fun to be lactose intolerant and having a vitamins deficit, but it’s definitely reassuring and will certainly help you to make decisions that will alleviate your symptoms in the future. More shaken than hurt - what a relief! I hope these news relieve you of the burden and stress you were experiencing.

Much love to you. :hrtlegolove:


Wow that is some good news. I am realy happy for you. It sucks to be lactose intolerant tho but other than that it is good. Keep us updated.

I wish you good luck


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