Mental Health Conversation - my point of view of how i see it

Hey , So i wanted to have this conversation to whoever wants to respond to this . So i am taking a psychology class in college which has interested me and wanted to talk about some stuff from a playlist i put together and i just want to share a point of view of what has stood out to me .
There was this audio called “Don’t let yourself be controlled by these 5 things.” The first thing they had talked about was

“1) Your past- dont let your past control your past or feature life , what ever happens you must let it go ( its not good or healthy to keep beating yourself up because of the mistakes you made or the choices you have made. Your past is your past and All you can do is focus on the future and learn from what you did wrong) 2) other peoples opinions and judgements: other peoples actions on how they do it . need to fit in and how you do stuff just like they do it tend to cause you to go down a path you probably wouldnt want to go in/down , you were born to be unique , you were born for a reason. 3) limited beliefs you eject on yourself (warning) : these conditions may be conscious but they also may be unconscious , they may be unconscious limitations that have being conditioned into you from a young age and throught your own life for those who’ve never reached for their own dream, believe in yourself. 4) relationships (touchy subject) : if your always needing someone , to feel complete then your always one moment away from a break down if a person leaves you. 5) money - this controls majority of people on this planet. Dont let this be controlled by your decisions you make , your only chosing it as how much money you would make which if you were to do this you would of made the wrong decision , when you lead with you heart and your intentions to give your best to others and truly give your soul , the money will come . What you will find is that when you will follow your heart , you will lead the intention to serve others, lead good intention to others every single time you follow your intuition…”

In my opinion of what was being said, Try your best to be you , try your best to continue these days learning , striving , helping others, helping yourself. But mostly if you are unable to look after yourself . take a step back to see what YOU can do to improve, to work on . But also to make sure your okay , to know that your loved , to make sure your taking care of the things that need to be done so you can live a healthy life style .
You are loved , you are kind , you are amazing! Hold fast Friend You are worth it !

  • Ashley


This is good writing. Thank you for doing this, Ashley. I’m glad you are taking an interest in psychology and college. Make the best of it. You will like it.

Love what you’ve written! Keep that up! I look forward to reading more!

<3 Tara

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Thank you so much for sharing this @all_around_ashley. It’s interesting to reflect on those five points. A good reminder for when something is starting to control our heart. Thank you.

You are loved , you are kind , you are amazing! Hold fast Friend You are worth it !

So are you. :hrtlegolove:

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For those who want to know what audio i referenced and quoted here it is :