My cocaine addicted teenage son

My fourteen years son is addicted to cocaine. I found out about this last week. Not sure I can help him without external support. There have been a lot of difficulties in communication between us recently. He won’t listen to me. I’m looking for a treatment center especially for teens, and I found such places on AddictionResource Has anybody faced something like that? Any experience or advice would be appreciated.

My sister is addicted to hard drugs and it’s been really hard on me. I don’t know how to help her. My sister is an adult now so it’s on her to take control of her life, but she’s keen mixed up in drugs since she was a teenager. My mother was also and addict, and it breaks my heart that she’s following down that path. It’s been hard watching her destroy her and her life.

I’m so sorry that your son is also struggling with drug abuse. It’s so difficult and scary watching those that we love battle with addiction. It’s an emotional roller coaster for everyone and hard to get them to be willing to receive our love and support. I hope that you can find something that works for you and your family, and that your son finds his way to sobriety and good health.

I don’t have any major advice that you probably don’t already know and haven’t already tried. Just try to be loving and gentle. Open. And hopefully in time he will be receiving of it.

I am sending you and your family a lot of love.