My ex shut me out ghosted me for months after a fi

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Stranded by Gojira
my ex shut me out. ghosted me for months after a fight. i don’t know what kind of person treats someone they’ve been so intimate with, with so much callousness. it doesn’t make sense to me. :disappointed:


Don’t try to make sense of another person’s actions…because you will drive yourself insane and waste time when you could invest it into positive things.

Hey there friend,
Man, it’s never easy going through a rough patch with someone. I’ve had countless friends treat me like I’m non-existent and it was terrible, I can’t even imagine it being a romantic partner.
Something I learned as time went by though, is that maybe this kind of thing should be something to be embraced? If someone has it in them to treat you so awful, maybe them being absent from your life is potentially sparing yourself from a greater wrongdoing?
Please pardon me if this comes off as insensitive, as I have never been in a situation exactly like yours, but I know that finding a positive outlook in a negative situation is always the first place that I start feeling better.
I hope you find peace in your situation friend, I will be keeping you in my prayers!

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Hey! Thank you for reaching out and having the courage to open up. That isn’t an easy thing to do.

Change can be an overwhelming, daunting, and formidable concept. There are so many questions we can ask ourselves from day to day such as “why would they do that?” or question why they would treat someone they were so close to with, with so much callousness. It seems as if they leave you stranded, out on your own to face another day in the dark, to endure another day without clarity. These things don’t make much sense to us.

Life presents us with the gift and chance to evolve through change. Just as a caterpillar leaves the safety of its chrysalis, or a bird from the comfort of its nest, this transformation may leave them feeling exposed and uneasy. Yet, it is this very change that empowers them to ascend, unfurl their wings, and take to new heights.

You are so strong my friend. Keep persevering and spreading your wings :slightly_smiling_face:

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