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Belongs to: Therapist Cry's While Listening to Wings of Maria Pt 1 and 2 by Tool
My father passed in November of 23, previous to that I was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery in August of 23. He had a fall in September and bumped his head and ended up in hospital, the doctors said he would not be coming home. During that time when I was recovering he was more concerned about my recovery than his. My parents live about 8 hours from me in another country. I couldn’t visit him easily and had to schedule visits between my appointments and treatments, when I did he was usually out of it. When the doctors called to say he was going to pass my who had Covid thought she couldn’t be with him. The hospital told her she could come but by the time she got there he was gone, he died alone. I’m balling now. I have avoided listening to this album because of these songs.
Hey my friend. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your father sounds like the sweetest, kindest, and most selfless person to have ever lived. I am so sorry that he is not with us anymore and I grieve for all of the people who will never have the chance to meet him.
Loss cuts so deep. How are you supposed to go about life without the man who raised you? How are you supposed to grieve without your father there to help you through the pain? These are questions that have no simple answer- but in time you find a way. Though your father may not be with you anymore, he is now freed from his suffering. You will always be able to reflect on the countless cherished memories you formed with him, and through that remembrance you can continue to shine the warm light that he shined in your life. Though he may not be here anymore, he can still live on through you.
Though you may not have been able to be present when your father passed, he knew how much he was loved. I can tell simply from the reverence towards your father in your post that he knew how much you cared for an loved him. Even though you couldn’t be there at the very end, he knew that he was not leaving this world behind without leaving a lasting impression of love and care.
I pray that you are able to find solace in this time of such grief. I also pray that your own health battles ease and fall away. You are so strong for fighting both the battle against grief and against cancer, and I commend you for that. Your perseverance is inspiring, and I truly thank you for sharing your heart with us today. You matter so much. You have purpose and power. You can continue to fight and step out of the struggle more and more, day by day, even if that process is slow. If you need more help or a listening ear during that process, we are here for you. You are so loved. Holdfast-we believe in you.