My mind messes me up

So there’s this boy and he and I have talked about having just a sexual relationship. and I want to but whenever we start talking about it or whatever my mind fucks me up. And I feel horrible for saying yes to this kid and then backing down but I can’t help it. I’m all over the place. I hate myself.

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Hey @Hopeless.romantic - I’ve never heard of a sexual-only relationship ending with good stories, so I would recommend straying away from the idea. If you do choose to engage with him, try to refrain from developing feelings for him, because that’ll just make the situation messier. Just my two-cents. I hope this helps!

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I agree with Eric. I don’t think a sexual - only relationship is a good idea. You are so precious. You are worth so much more than giving a part of yourself to a guy just for the sake of giving yourself to him. I would encourage you not to do this. I know you posted this a few days ago. If you’ve already done things with him, please don’t feel shame. No matter what you’ve done, you can always stop and begin anew.


Hey @Hopeless.romantic,

This situation does not affect your self worth. It’s ok to feel this way.

I highly encourage you to talk to your partner about these feelings so you both can work through it together.

There is nothing wrong with feeling not ready to begin a sexual relationship; it takes time to be ok with it for a lot of people.

If you aren’t ok with it that is totally ok- please don’t feel pressured into following through with these actions if you are not comfortable.

Please don’t fall into this self hate because of this situation. You deserve good and you deserve to feel ok.

I believe in you.

Hold fast.

With love,
Lyss (ur old pal Blurryface)

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