My monster are so real they fight me every day and

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Monsters by Shinedown
My monster are so real , they fight me every day and I think they are going to win one day

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We really appreciate you being here and sharing! Having monsters that feel so real and so strong is a difficult thing to deal with. they feel like they are a part of you or that they define you. Keeping you stuck in darkness unsure of how to face them and fearful that they have already won and will never go away. I’ve felt this way and was convinced they’d never leave me. I didn’t want to face them because I was too ashamed and worried of what others would think if they knew what was inside me. But one day I made a choice — face them or let them win, and I decided to write it all down then I shared with someone I trusted. Just verbalizing it was a relief. I felt the monsters lose some of their grip. They lie to us to keep us down but as soon as we start opening up about them, they are the ones that grow weak! Slowly they lose their power because they can’t win when we’re vulnerable and shining the light on them. They only thrive in darkness. I know how difficult and frustrating it is but want you to know you are not alone, we are here for you and this is a safe place. I commend you for reaching out and I encourage you to share your story - even if it’s only a piece at a time. You are worth it!

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I’m so sorry, friend. It’s so hard when the monsters you’re battling every day seem to be so real and relentless, like a shadow that you can’t escape from. It feels as if no matter what you do, it’s always there lurking in a corner of your mind, waiting for the next opportunity to hurt you. It’s exhausting to feel like having to fight all the time against parts of yourself, to be on your guard all the time so if you were to fall it wouldn’t hurt as bad as it might. It’s as if these monsters have a grip on you, pulling you down and it’s freaking exhausting to constantly fend them off. There is no doubt that you’re ding the best you can to keep your head above waters in these circumstances.

Thinking that they might win one day is just so scary. It’s like being on a constant battlefield with an unseen force, never knowing when you might lose your grip. The fear of being overtaken by these monsters makes definitely sense in your situation. But this fear fills your days with anxiety and uncertainty, wondering if this is the day you’ll be overpowered. It’s like standing on the edge of a precipice, always on the verge of being pushed over.

How you feel makes sense friend, and I’m so proud of you for sharing your voice here, for naming your demons. The battle you’re facing deserves to be seen and heard, and when we start to name it we also learn to regain control over it. When it’s visible to us and to the people around us, we reduce the power that these demons can have on us, little by little. Your monsters may feel overwhelming, but reaching out and sharing your experiences can sometimes help lighten that load, even if just a little. :heart: