My mosters are real i was horribly abused as a chi

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Monsters by Shinedown
My mosters are real
I was horribly abused as a child.when I joined the army they shaved my head and everyone seen the cigarette burn scars in my head. I ended up being a practicing Satanist for 35 years I did go to confession and denounce that religion …I dont do that anymore,but 2 wives later and PTSD,I struggle daily …but my monsters are real

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Hello friend,

I’m so sorry about everything you’ve gone though. It can be extremely rough, and i couldn’t even imagine that feeling when your head got shaved, because on one hand, everyone is seeing those scars, but you are seeing those scars also as well. But you know what? You’re still here to see those scars, and that to me shows strength and resilience.

I can definitely tell you’ve been through a lot. Have you thought about talking to a professional like a therapist about this? Because I know there’s some that deal specifically with PTSD, especially when it comes to veterans and when it comes to child abuse. They can definitely help you get rid of those monsters and hopefully get you on a path to recovery.

Just remember, someone’s always got your six <3

Thank you so much for your service, and if you ever want to talk more, we have a forum at where you’re always free to post, share, vent, whatever you need. We’re always gonna be here for you.

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Your monsters are real. All those struggles, from being abused as a child to having multiple marriages and religious challenge, are a lot. I can only imagine all the pain and challenge that this has led to. With that said, as you navigate this chapter of your life, I hope you find power in the fact that you are going on, regardless of any monsters. You are defeating them, even if they’ll never completely go away, by continuing to live your life how you want to live it.

Thank you for trusting us with your story. If you’d like to share more, please don’t hesitate to reach out, here or on We’re here for you and we care about you.