My Success Story

I just wanted to come back and tell about how HeartSupport helped me.
I’ve always struggled with a seasonal type of depression, my good periods are really good and my bad periods are really, REALLY bad.
In one of my bad stretches, I came and posted my feelings, and even just getting it out there helped a ton.
I’ve made new friends that support me and care for me more, and I have discovered some new games and other fun ways to keep my mind clear.
I want to thank everyone that helped me along the way, as it has been a few months since I have had a particularly bad period of time.
If you are reading this and are struggling, I hope you can see from my story that it DOES get better. Surround yourself with people that compliment and care for you, and keep yourself occupied. Talk about it, this forum is a great place to start.
Congrats to everyone who has recovered well, and good luck to those who are starting their journey. It’s a tough battle, but you will eventually win.
~With Love, Bert :heart:


Thank you for sharing this!! I am always so thrilled to hear how people are helped by this site. And you’re right - sometimes just getting it all OUT helps so much. I really feel like the validation, support and just general well-meaning love that’s poured out daily here is amazing.

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This is so wonderful! I am so glad that you are doing better and that this community could be an active part in that. Just know that no matter where you are in your life, you are always welcome here.
Much love to you.

  • Kitty