My Worthless Post About Stuff

Tonight, my ex-SIL got back from the hospital and now she’s sleeping in my room. My mom forced me to either sleep in her room or the couch-without my phone. I like sleeping near my phone so I would never dream of leaving it with her. Besides, we were planning to watch an episode of our show.

So we watch an episode and it’s a creepy one. Then she starts telling me that there is someone in the house. A spirit. That she goes in the room every night and the fan she has is set to low. (Geez, someone just shot a firework at 1 in the morning and I jumped. This dog keeps barking and it’s getting annoying.)

Anyways, this is weird to her because she always has it set on high or turned off. I’m a paranoid person, I don’t like sleeping with the closet open-I’m lucky because my room closet can lock- and the windows open. She likes sleeping with the windows open. It creeps me out thinking about how someone could be watching whenever. It’s also extra creepy because of the show we watched and the fan situation. I always have my air purifier next to me when I sleep and I put essential oils in it to keep spirits and hugs away. But tonight. I’m not allowed to.

It’s so weird to not have it and I’m lowkey kind of scared. (There’s a cat outside. I hear it meowing at the other firework that just went off). My mom doesn’t understand that though, or she just doesn’t care.

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Hey @Pumpkin-Panda- Sounds like you had a rough night! I hope you got through it okay. I often times check the doors and windows before bed, and close doors or leave lights on because I feel unsafe. I am sorry you had to experience that. I hope tonight is a better night for you, and you are able to do the things that make you feel comfortable again. Hang in there :hrtlegolove: