Need some positivity

So I need encouragement. I feel so lost at the moment it feels like I’m alone and no one is listening. I recently got engaged and that’s amazing I just feel like he isn’t listening when I ask for help. I feel like my faith isn’t as strong I cry every time I worship alone because church isn’t in session because of what is going on. I also haven’t had a job since January and I feel so defeated with that I’ve applied to over a 100 jobs and I get nothing. I’m lost mentally and spiritually. I’m honestly so sad with where I am today.


Hey there, I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. Before you get married to your partner it’s important they know that this problem exists. If you let it fester too long it will make you bitter over time and will be a lot worse when it comes out down the road.
This is all only a season of your life, and it’s important to note that you won’t feel like this forever. One way or another, you will feel better and be okay again. But I know it’s hard right now and that’s what we’re here for: to help you through the storm. Keep pushing. Easier said than done I know, but I believe in you. You’re loved and you matter and God is still working even in uncertain times like we’re all experiencing right now.

Hang in there, friend


Hey @KrashwithaK,

It’s okay not to be okay, to feel lost. Sometimes things are just piling up and you did the right thing by letting this out of your chest. We see you here and you’re not alone. :hrtlegolove:

I recently got engaged and that’s amazing I just feel like he isn’t listening when I ask for help.

I’m sorry you’ve been feeling like this. Reaching out and asking for help is not easy, and feeling like you’re not listened is certainly not helpful at all. You did the right thing by asking for help. It’s toally natural to expect from your partner to be supportive. Though communication holds an important place in relationships. Did you have the occasion to talk with him about that, the fact that you feel like you’re not heard when you ask for help? Maybe there are some adjustments, some balance to be found here, and it has to be built through an honest and respectful communicatin. I felt that way with my partner sometimes. And letting him know about it was needed. It helpes me to me realize that he wasn’t even really conscious about that. My expectations and my definition of “support” was not the same as his own definition at the moment. So we created our own way to function, together, when it was needed.

I feel like my faith isn’t as strong I cry every time I worship alone because church isn’t in session because of what is going on.

It’s indeed tough and frustrating not to be allowed to go to the places we need. I’m certainly not the best adviser on this matter, as I’m struggling with my own faith. But I want to believe that your faith is not conditioned by the amount of times you go to church. It’s different for sure. But you’re still loved the same way. Maybe this is an opportunity to experience your faith in different ways, with different shapes. In a way that is even more intimate than before. There are two books in the HS resources, which titles are “The Embrace” and “Mountains”. Maybe those could be helpful resources to you during these difficult times, as a way to reflect on yourself, your spiritual journey and your faith. You can get more informations here if you want: - also have an idea of how it is concretly through the workbooks categories of the Support Wall: -

I also haven’t had a job since January and I feel so defeated with that I’ve applied to over a 100 jobs and I get nothing.

I feel that, with all my heart. I find myself in a similar situation right now in regards of having a job. Not currently applying, but there are a lot of uncertainties about the future - and all the worries/stress that comes with it. Friend, it’s objectively hard to find a job. You’re doing what you can, you’re doing your best by applying to those jobs. You’re doing what you can do. And you can be proud of yourself for all the energy you’re putting in this. I know how frustrating and discouring it is when you’re waiting for the results to arrive, the good news to come. But you’ll get there. You’ll be okay. And until then, know that you have a community here willing to support you and to encourage you, as much as we can. :hrtlegolove:

Sending love your way.