hello. this is my first post here. and im sorry if this ends up being a little too long, and also english isnt my first language so i apologise in advance if there is any confusion i just have no one to talk to about this, and i just want to get everything off of my chest. firstly i’d state that im 15F, and perhaps a lot of these issues could be a result of just “growing up” but i feel like i cannot bottle this up in me anymore either.
i struggle with myself. ive always been a top student, ive always been sort of well liked by all teacher, im extroverted, ive friends who i can rely on, ive a loving home, a loving family and yet so often do i wonder…why continue? the one thing my parents dont understand is my mental health. my dad tries to, my mom just doesnt get it because it seems to me she never went through such issues, so she doesnt understand them much. i feel suffocated in my own home sometimes…yes, i love my parents. but i need some privacy too, i need some control too. i wish i had some. i used to write in a diary in grade 8 when i was going through stuff (2021) and i continued writing in it. but one day they just read it. and instead of giving some practical solution or asking me how i feel, i was just banned from writing diaries. like ok? that wont fix sh*t mom and dad.
ive also been a very emotional kid, and i used to cry easily just getting scolded and stuff, and this one time i kid you not i was crying and my mom got mad at me for crying and started scolding me for it. and ever since then ive just gotten good at silent crying. now, i veiw crying as something illegal, never to be done under my parents’ roof. im sorry if these do not come off as issues strong enough to cause a mid life crisis, either the issue is too deep for me to be able to express it properly, or maybe it isnt at all deep but it still affects me the same im tired of feeling this way ever since teenage started.
i also have esteem issues, i never felt good enough…in any way. not capable enough, not pretty enough, not likable enough, not smart enough, just not enough…i do not feel enough. i wish i did. i wish i was self satisfied. that would feel amazing. and i know, anyone reading this might suggest get a new hobby! work on urself! this and that, and i understand i truly do…but the issue with being in a strict home and a high schooler is - ive no time, no privacy, and no resources. im not short of money, i just dont have a good enough explanation to pursue anything. and even if i did get into something, i dont know…i get bored of it or maybe i dont get time for it and it slowly fades away and end the end is just regarded as a phase of mine. i used to draw and stuff, into the art-sy side but i dont know, i never felt appreciated enough. there was always someone better at something id be interested it. always would be over shadowed in that realm. its not that i dont have qualities people dont appreciate, but its that the qualities i wish were appreciated are never. and what bugs me more is - these qualities do get appreciate; just in others not me. if someone else also drew, for some reason even if my art was “better” (art is subjective but when i mean better i mean better proportions etc) the person with the mediocre drawing would get more attention i never understood why. maybe because i never cried for attention or maybe because i chose to stay humble and sit down in that moment, but i was never appreciated for what i wished to specifically get appreciated for. im sorry if i come off as low but im a human, im a social animal i drive off of this attention yk?
now lets come to something which has sort of ruined me. and i guess i let it, so maybe im accountable as well. i’ve been dating a boy for 9 months now. and hes super nice and cute and chill and i love him but hes just not mentally stable in any way. i suspect he’s bipolar, and hes schizo too in some way as he often hallucinates and has “voices”. and i dont even have an issue with people who have these conditions, but with my boyfriend the thing is, every now and then. 9 months we’ve been struggling with this, i thought i could fix him, no really could. but that never happened. so many years of trauma he’s been through which is just not fixable - at least by me, not a professional in any way. every other day ive to go through him telling me to leave him and that i deserve better. but if i were to say “okay, i’ll respect your wish and stay away from you” he goes nuts realising he actually doesnt want me away. easier said than done i suppose. and i talked to 2 of my closest and realest friends who always look out for me about this, and theyve suggested breaking up. but i just cannot. im so inlove with him, even a second spent without him seems wasted. but its also ruining me. i stuck between - “try harder” and “why bother?” i just cannot take this anymore. i do not wish to break up AT ALL. and if someone in the replies suggests to - im so sorry but im just so attached it doesnt appear to be right choice to make at all. being with him affects me, being without him would more. not to mention hes so damn attached to me its crazy. yes he loves me, im certain but hes also obsessed with me. hes says without me he has nothing to live for and he’d probably end it if i ever left and its not even in some “guilt tripping” way, because never once have i suggested breakin up - so why would he guilt trip me? plus hes so mentally fcked he self harms himself makes all sorts or suicidal attempts (though he fails, i thank god) and he does want to live, but its just for me. ive nothing left to do. only to wait. just to wait until there is nothing left to wait for. im just stuck in a dream. i cannot deal with this sht anymore, i cannot im so sorry. no im not suicidal, but the only solution is running away and starting a new life. but i know im way too much of a coward to do that, and its not even practical. i need to stop talking like a person stuck in a dream. but i just cannot do this, taking care of him, and myself while focusin on my studies, my friends, working my butt of for college, keeping up with expectations parents have with me. im so overwhelmed. i just want solitude. i just want to sit there, and stare into abyss (well not really but sounds fun) i just want to stay at home, do what i love, worry about nothing and live life just for the joy of living. is it too much to dream of?
lastly, id just like to thank anyone who even took their time off to read this. it means so much to me. i dont think this will be my last post though, still so much to get off my chest but this is all i could process right now. peace.