No direction, no passion, no drive

Three years ago I graduated college. I haven’t had a job since. I went to college with the assumption of “having a degree alone would be worth it”. I had a plan in mind with a history degree and teaching. However, I found that teaching was not for me, but I continued to go to college and earned my degree. After graduating I knew I had to find another career other than teaching. So I tried to find careers within the history field.I looked at these careers and they just did not sound appealing. I wanted to find something to be passionate about so I could finally put all my effort into something and feel good about doing so. After not finding anything in that field I tried to broaden my scope. Months go by and now finally years go by. I find things that sound interesting, but I somehow talk myself out of pursuing them. I would think about those interesting things and think “I don’t actually like that” or "I don’t actually have to go to school to get a job there; If I wanted to work there bad enough I would put the effort and time into learning that job. Not only was I, myself, talking my way out of pursuing these things, other people were as well. They gave me warnings about the certain job, or reminded me that I actually don’t like those kind of things. This cycle of : being motivated to achieve a goal (job), thinking intensely about how to achieve that, and then talking myself out of pursuing that goal continues still today, even after 3 years. I have learned that it would almost be almost impossible to force myself into a job without knowing what good it will do other than get me money. I do not know and currently do not have a passion for something that could lead to a career. I want to be passionate about something so that I could put 100% effort into it, but I do not even know what I am passionate about. People say “you have to start with other things so that you can find your passion”, but I just don’t know how those other things (random jobs) will lead anywhere. I am very contemplative and logical. I don’t have much faith in whims. I cannot picture a random job being beneficial other than money. Which is not the main issue.

While this cycle continues my sense of guilt or being a burden stockpiles. I have lived with my hard working parents since college. I haven’t had a real, consistent job (only side jobs with my dad). I just feel like I’m letting my parents down by not finding something to pursue. This combined with my inner conflict helps me feeling stuck.

If anyone could help or give some guidance, It would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

I understand what you’re going through and believe me when I say this. You’re parents will always love you regardless of anything. Parents do want what’s best for you but the main thing they want is for you to be happy. History can be tough at times to find but the more research you do for it the more you’ll slowly find something and live your dream. We are all here for you!


Hey Baseballfan. Thanks for posting. I have a friend who is in a very similar situation. He’d spent money on his schooling only to find out that he didn’t enjoy it, which sucked. He ended up writing down things he was interested in and slowly over about a year, rang up some businesses which specialised in his interests and asked if he could volunteer for a few days to see if he’d like it. After a few months he found something that really made him happy and he pursued it and is now working in that field and loving it. He did this at 35. There is always hope :slight_smile:
Hold fast friend <3


Thanks for sharing your story, it’s not an easy thing to do. And teaching isn’t either, I know from experience, it has its specifics that make it extra hard to do when you don’t love it.

A random job probably won’t help you with much more than money, that’s true. But removing the burden of lack of money from the equation can help figure what you actually want to do. In a way, it worked for me.

Don’t give up. I hope you find it!


Hang in there friend, we are here for you.

Matt and Kait


Thank you all so much for the replies. I really appreciate your sincerity in the response video as well. It is really nice to see.

I will keep trying.

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