No energy to write

My boyfriend and I are currently very stressed, I’m shutting it away because I cannot get into it right now. It feels worse since I have work the next morning, though I’d rather be at work.

Need any support
Take care, friends.


Don’t Kno what’s going on, but I hope whatever it is you dont let it consume you. Take some time to give yourself some rest, hopefully work will distract you ^~^


Thank you so much, your message means more than you think. Thank you for messaging so soon.


hi there,

Take some nice deep breaths, straighten those shoulders and just focus on the breaths coming in and going on. And maybe after curl up with some coffee or tea and do whatever selfcare things work best for you.

We’re here for you, no pressure to get into it. Just know that there are shoulders here waiting for you if you ever need one! :smiley:


Hi :wave:
I am sorry you are going through this @itsnotoveryet. It mus be very stressful. You are strong remember that. You are strong and you can get through this. I believe in you. :wink:


Dear @itsnotoveryet,

I’m so sorry that your boyfriend and you were subjected to so much stress lately. You know you have a safe space right here to get things off your chest whenever you need. I’m here. I’ll be checking on your future post(s). You’re not alone.

I’m rooting for you and sending positive thoughts your way. Hopefully the night will be restful, that tomorrow morning will be a needed reminder for you of all the renewed and healing opportunities that this life has to offer you. :hrtlegolove:

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Thank you so much everyone, really thank you. I think I may write it all out, thank you for reaching out to me. Maybe writing it all out will help.

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Do as you can and want. Always. No pressure to talk, ever. You have a safe spce right here in any case, any time. I care about you. :hrtlegolove:

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